Chapter 14: Camp Crystal Lake

Start from the beginning

"Why's that?" He inquired.

"An ex of mine is a cop. He works in this county. Real halfwit. Not a single intelligent thought ever passed through his empty head," You explained. "I'd say he has an IQ of 50, and that's just me being nice."

The clown raised his eyebrows and dropped his bag on his mattress just as Jason opened the door.

"Jason, we need..." You paused to count the people without mattresses. "Five mattresses and a big sheet. Do you know if there's any left?"

Jason nodded and walked out the door. You watched through the window as he walked into the neighboring cabin about five yards away. He opened the door and came out a few seconds later with two mattresses under one arm and three under the other. How he managed to carry nearly 250 pounds that weren't evenly distributed was beyond you. However, he was a human boulder with mountains for biceps.

You opened the door for him, and he dropped the mattresses in the middle of the room. The men without the mattresses (including Jason) grabbed one and placed them some feet apart.

"Y/N, do you remember there being any food sources nearby?" Billy asked. "I am in dire need of food."

"Yeah, there's a F/F/F/R (Favorite fast-food restaurant) about ten miles out. Open all night," You recalled.

"Great. Michael, mind sharing your papers and pencil?" Billy asked.

Michael tore off a bit over a dozen pieces of paper and passed the pencil around. Everyone knew to write down their orders.

"Norman, you and Y/N go in and act like a couple. Be cool. Don't act like serial killers and missing people," Freddy advised.

"I look a lot different than I do when I went missing. I'm, like, twenty pounds lighter, my hair is a lot longer, and I look like healing zombie. I doubt anyone will recognize me," You sighed.

"Well, let's go. Jeff, should we get Smile anything?" Norman asked, standing up and grabbing his wallet out of his bag.

"Yeah, get him a chicken patty or something," Jeff replied.


Norman and you walked into the F/F/F/R, regretfully hand-in-hand. Neither of you wanted to hold hands. No one was forcing you, but you figured that you should just sell the part.

"Hi, welcome to F/F/F/R, what can I get for you guys today?" A tired-looking employee asked from behind the counter.

"It's a lot, we're having a party," Norman warned, pulling out everyone's orders from his pocket.

Norman listed off everyone's orders, making sure that the employee got all of them. You could tell he wanted to leave, but he stayed cheerful enough.

"Alright, your total comes out to $54.97. Cash or credit?" The employee asked.

"Cash." Norman decided dropping your hand to pull three twenty-dollar bills from his pocket. "Keep the change."

The employee counted the money and put it into the register.

"Can I have a name to call for when the food is ready?"

"Anthony," Norman lied.

A/N: See what I did there?

"Okay, I'll call you over when it's ready."

Norman and you walked over to a small booth and sat down, waiting for the food to be ready.

"Are you still mad at me?" Norman quietly asked.

"Yes. I'm mad at you, I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I haven't had time to grieve yet," You sighed, rubbing your forehead.

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