
432 17 58

Sombre prevails (:
Don't look at me, you asked for this!
Omfl I had this planned forever-

-Death mentions
-Suicide attempts
-Mentions of betrayal
||Tell me If missed any (:||
Now enjoy the pain:

"Achilles, Achilles, Achilles come down. Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?"

The start of winter spread cold and true through the snow-dusted terrain. Everything within a mile and more was visible to his eyes. Every pine tree, every mound of dirt and snow, every house and every ice-born plant. His cloak wasn't there to dance in the playful wind. The air hit his lungs, hurtful yet refreshing.

Today was his end.

Dawn was lightening the sky, hazy blues mixed with soft peaches and pink shades. So beautiful. Yet there is always something hidden within beauty.

"People are above the government." Tommy's voice still remained in his head, a constant reminder of the never-healing wound he bore. "I am a person, Tommy. But of course, you never saw me as one!" Such a story. One of betrayal and back-stabbing.

No love had touched his heart and peace had rotted with it, leaving behind bitter despair and self-doubt. What had he done to deserve this? Why couldn't he be loved? Why couldn't he love? He wanted to learn how to love.

And no matter how much the joy of his new found friends softened the hard, aching pain in his chest, it wouldn't leave. It wouldn't leave. Bit by bit, this new life was driving him as insane as the previous one. He couldn't. He couldn't breathe with it anymore.

He was so close. So close to ending it, standing but a centimetre away from the edge of his house's roof. But a voice rung in his ears, sweet, welcoming and feminine. "Techno." Niki's voice, so pure and loving, yet now afraid and hesitant. He turned to face her, his expression downcast and depressed.

"Techno. Please don't." Her whisper caught the wind, along with her pink-tipped locks. Her aquamarine eyes were glossy with tears. "Niki, I-"
"Don't go. Talk to me. I can help. Just, please, don't go." She stepped forward. Techno stood his ground, not moving away from the edge nor towards it.

"Will you tell me why?" He felt secure around her, like she was one of the only people he could trust. Her and his other two friends. No, they were more than friends, they were family.

"Are you willing to listen to it all?" His voice was heavy, pained.
"Every single word." She took his hand gently, (PLATONICALLY DIMWITS!!) like a sister to her younger brother. "Tommy's betrayal." He winced as he said it. "I know." That same caring voice encouraged him. "That wound's still stinging?"
"Achingly sharp." He could feel his mentality deteriorate.
"Hey, it's okay. There are people to tend to wounds."
"But it's the scar now. They never fade."
"What Tommy did to you was terrible. A trust shattered so harshly. But that's his loss. Techno, there are others who care for you, who love you."
"But I still feel so empty." Her warm hands wiped a stray tear from his scarred left cheek. (Again, SOLEY PLATONIC!!) "I still feel so cold. This life feels more meaningless."
"There may not be meaning, so find one and seize it. We mustn't dwell on the past, rather, look to building the future."
"The future's looking fairly dark right now."
"Then be its light."
His breath shook. He wanted nothing more than to break. Nothing more than to let his tears flow freely. But the voice at the back of his head kept him were he was, agonised and without a way out.

"Are they still there?" He knew full well who they were.
"Pounding and as loud as ever. They don't leave, Niki. And that makes it worse."
"What are they saying right now?"
"Whispers telling me to jump, that I'm a coward. Niki, I just want to heal."
"Healing is a long and painful process. But in the end, it's worth it, so don't jump. Don't waste yourself on this roof."

At that, he broke. The tears came streaming, a familiar feeling against his skin. The silent sobs racked his chest as he fell to his knees, moving a little closer to the edge. Niki kneeled in front of him, his hands still in hers. "Techno, it's okay to cry. You've been through things no one deserves."

He must've sobbed for ten minuets or so, the sun broke the glass horizon, his thoughts raced with his pulse. Everything came crumbling down around him.
"They say I'm not worth it. They say I'm a heartless traitor. They're right, aren't they. They're right, Niki." Through the tightness in his chest, that voice finally found its tongue.
"No, you are worth it. Don't listen to what you've consumed."
And they came, with a chorus of words. "It is empty, Achilles.
So end it all now.
It's a pointless resistance
for you."

He held his head in his hands, torment and dolour seizing control. His eyes ran dry of tears, he gripped at his sunset hair in despair, blinded by sorrow and fear. "Achilles, Achilles, Achilles jump now. You are absent of cause or excuse."
Many times had he sung that song with them. And it held so much emotion, misery wrapped in pain, tearing with every beat of his heart.
"You've been here before."
"With Phil." The hiccup came hoarse and quiet.
"He stopped you?"
"Caught my wrist before I could fall. That's how close I was." Techno's hands fell onto his lap, his eyes trailing to the roof, glinting with anxiety.
Niki just let him think with a while, she sat with him in the silence, the feeling wrong if she were to break it.
So close. So close to not feeling anymore. So close to not breathing or having his heart ache with every beat.
Their whispers kept urging him to go, to ignore the woman he saw as an ally, to forget Philza, to abandon Ranboo and jump.

How selfish.
Yet he complied.

His sobs subsided, quietened to nothing but an occasional hiccup. Scarlet irises finally wandered from the ground to land on the blonde, pink-haired female beside him. "Niki, have you heard the story of Odysseus?" The question was sudden and unexpected, but she still answered. "Yes, why?"
"Then you'll have known how he got his happy ending. But Achilles never did." And with that, before the girl could stop him, he shuffled away, back towards the edge and pushed himself off, freeing himself of this painful existence.
Poppies flourish on the battlefield, only in the place where corpses once laid to rot do they grow finest. Mama had a whole bouquet of poppies to place on papa's grave the day of the funeral. Their colour was blinding against the blacks and the greys, back then, his hair was still it's natural cocoa.
Morning Glories die the day they bloom, sprouting bright and joyous at dawn, only to meet Death's grasp, fulfilling a fate they vowed to, at the dark hour of dusk.
Cornflowers. Brilliant, stark blue cornflowers were always Wilbur's favourites. From the early days of Pogtopia, when Tommy, him and the brunette musician often went on walks, he seemed to hold them dear to him. He said they where Sally's wedding flowers. And her funeral ones. Gravely dear to him, tear stained.

He felt the impact, then the faint trickle of blood down his back. A distant? high-pitched scream, footsteps pounding against the dirt.

And the sweet birdsong of morning wrens.

Then, darkness.

I'm completely fiiiiinnnneeeeee!
Ok, now, hope ur all well, stay swell, swag and safe, Dudes, Dudettes and Dudees!!
~~Nicolas (last name change, promise you-)

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