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We're defying the laws peeps, time to kill Pig-boi.
Also I'm so sorry, Gladiators hasn't been posted yet, pls forgive me.
Not proof read cuz I'm a lazy bitch.

I hope you enjoy this one.
TW: Blood, execution, graphic descriptions of injuries, emotional descriptions of pain, dead Techno, sad Philza, grief, loss.
Stay safe pls
"What's that around your neck?" Tubbo questioned the bound man in front of him, a sinister smile on his scarred face.
"I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about-"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Techno. It's glimmering, hand it here."
"Yeah, I physically can't."
Fundy undid the necklace from around the prisoner's neck and handed it to Tubbo.
The boy held the amulet up to the sun, two small, emerald eyes gleaming in its rays. "Ah, I see, just as I suspected. A Totem of Undying, we can't have that now, can we." The youth smiled mockingly. He pocketed the golden pendant,"We'd much rather you actually die than have that unpleasant surprise."
Techno stood still, silent and fearful. He kept his eyes on Tubbo, trying not to show any fear or any pain as the chains dug further into his wrists. The boy smirked. "Now, to L'Manberg, you're gonna be put on trial Mr. Blade, or rather, executed." He was pulled forward harshly by the chains. Quackity was holding Carl's reins, escorting the horse.
The trip to L'Manberg was made in an unsettling silence, the only sounds being the footsteps they took and the swishing of the water during the boat ride. Techno's steps felt heavy, but he kept being pulled forward by Fundy, who was clasping his chains. "Make haste, the sooner he's dead, the better." Tubbo ordered at the head of the group. Once more the chains were tugged mercilessly, digging further into his flesh, it hurt quite a bit but not enough for him to say anything.
They finally reached the city, walking along its raised paths. They passed many buildings, houses and centres and all. It was all rebuilt on stilts above the crater, which was made into a pond.
Phil stood at his balcony, worryingly staring outside, awaiting the return of the president, hoping against all odds that Techno wouldn't be with them. However, that hope was extinguished quickly when the group walked by, Techno helplessly chained, walking behind them. "You-you actually got him?!" Phil sounded astonished. "Phil you're under house arrest!" Tubbo reminded the man.

When Technoblade heard his best friend's voice, his gaze shot up from the wooden planks in front of him. He noticed how there was a secure chain around Phil's door and how he stood at his balcony, staring astounded at the five in front of him. Techno was quickly worried. "Phil! Phil, what did they do to you?!" He tried running towards his friend, a sense of anxiety sparking within him, but was once again ordered back by the heavy metal bounds that broke the skin of his wrists. "Keep walking." Quackity instructed, sternly cold.

The town square was only a few more steps away. He got pushed into a claustrophobia-inducing, metal cage, the hand cuffs staying around his bleeding wrists. The door clicked shut and there wasn't much he could do apart from listen, scared about his inevitable doom, watching as the anvil hung ominously, many meters above his head.

Tubbo stood on the podium, looking down at the people who sat in the seats, a creepy glee rising within him. "Hello citizens of L'Manberg. I welcome you here today to witness the execution of one of our nations most hunted enemies. As you all know, Technoblade has robbed our country of everything that made it special, and today is the day he will pay for that..."

To the left side of the stage, a tall building stood, and, going unnoticed, on its roof were two cloaked figures. One wore a recognisable, smiling mask and the other had platinum bangs falling in front of his eyes. They observed closely, as if they were planning something. "Surely, they'll kill him." Punz whispered to Dream. The masked one nodded. "Ready yourself." Dream held his arm up, awaiting the right time. "Now." He brought his hand down and Punz jumped of the building, landing on his feet, uncloaking himself as he splashed potions and
raised his axe.
The commotion was unexpected to say the least, people got up, drawing weapons and using shields to block attacks. Techno was left watching quietly.

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