Hog Hunt (prt.2)

429 18 7

After 10 billion years...it's here! I think I'm back from hatius!! Ah this was a pain to write, i cba to do it so it got sloppy but eh.
-blood, attempted murder, implied passing out, mentions of crimes, mild swearing, implied corruption.

Beneath the tight, metal clasps, his wrists were bruised and bloody. The cold wind made him shiver as he was harshly pulled forward. The journey was made in silence, the only sounds being the occasional snicker from Carl, whom Quackity was escorting. The waves splashed around the wooden boats, L'Manberg came into view, its many rows of houses and well-constructed buildings presenting themselves. It seemed- different to say the least.

"Get off." Tubbo instructed as they reached the shore.  He got out of the boat, struggling a bit with his bound hands. Technoblade was roughly pulled forward by Fundy, who was gripping his chains. 

New L'Manberg was built upon stilts, all above the crater that it had once been. Water ran in between each house and building, an array of corral and sea plants visible beneath its see-through surface. The colours gave L'Manberg a new spree of life, making it seem more welcoming. Not the kind of place for a public execution.
On notice boards and littered all around L'Manberg were wanted posters with Technoblade's face on them. He never knew there was a price on his head.
Carl's hooves pattered obnoxiously on the wooden pathway, the only sounds being that of the city and their footsteps.
Upon hearing footsteps outside of his door, Phil ran up to his balcony to peek outside, slightly slowed by the glowing clasp around his foot. He was shocked to say the least when he saw the "Butcher army", as they called themselves, walking down the path, Technoblade in chains behind them. "You, you actually got him." His voice radiated his surprised expression, his azure eyes glimmering with a noticeable worry. "Phil, you're under house arrest." Tubbo's tone remained deadpan, along with his facial expression. "Phil?" Techno questioned, looking up at his imprisoned friend. "Phil are you ok? Phil what did they do to you?!" Concern laced his voice.
"Techno, I'm fine, they just locked me up. You should be more worried for yourself." In a sense of longing, Techno yanked on his chains, stepping towards Phil, only to be pulled back mercilessly, the iron tearing the flesh beneath the bounds. "No talking, keep walking." Quackity's voice was increasingly bitter. Techno got shoved forward, up the cobbled stairs of the town-square's stage. "Lock him in the cage and keep him bound, we don't know what kind of tricks he could pull." Tubbo ordered Fundy as he stepped up to the podium.
The doors clicked shut loudly, the bars securing the prisoner in his place as the president took his speech.
"Citizens Of L'Manberg." He called out to the gathering crowd. "We are here today to witness and celebrate the execution of our country's most hunted enemy. I'm sure you are aware of Technoblade's crimes." Technoblade stood in the ever growing tension, his scarlet opticals wondering from Carl to Phil and then too the crowd. "Technoblade has robbed our country of everything that made it special, of everything that defined it."
Clank! Crash! A sudden clash of weapons, the clear sound of running footsteps, and the meeting was thrown into chaos. Punz stood in front of the stage, a cloak over his icy-white locks, Netherite axe raised, the cloudy residue of a strength potion flowing in the air around him. He sprung forward, his axe meeting the wood of Ranboo's shield. The whole ordeal was unexpected, causing Tubbo's eyes to go wide and all the crowd to stand up in defence, "Wha-? What's Punz doing here?!" The President ran forward, drawing his axe from its strap on his back. The armour clanked as he made his way towards the commotion, attempting to break up the fight. A cloaked figure ran towards the cage, his known green outfit catching the corner of Tubbo's eyes. It didn't take long for the youth to realise what was happening, Dream and Punz were breaking Techno out.

"Big Q!! Pull the lever, Big Q! Pull the lever!!" He screamed, as Punz brought his Axe down on Tubbo's. Time ticked slower as the platform beneath the anvil slid away, the heavy weight plummeting down to earth. The closer it came, the more fear shimmered in Techno's eyes, wishing- hoping that the amulet would do it's job and save him.

Smash! Red went everywhere, his bones broke with sickening cracks, the pain spread through him like a shock to his heart. The amulet shattered, an enchanting, forest-green aura escaped it's golden form, locking itself over Techno's body, weaving green light into his deep, dark-red wounds. The force stitched him back together, the pain still present yet residing with every bone healed and cut fixed. It was a gory, unpleasant sight to behold. He clenched his jaw as the process continued for half a minute or so, every single injury disappearing. When the process was complete, he broke out the cage, injuries gone, pain no more. "WHAT THE FU-?!!" Many people were alarmed, however he ignored them.

Techno's ruby eyes followed Dream's cloaked form, landing on his beloved horse, the reigns in the others clasp. "He's got Carl!" he exclaimed, running in the direction of a cave. "Don't let him get away!!" Fundy squealed, attempting to run after him.
The cave was quiet, dark. "Thank you back there." Techno said, receiving the reigns from Dream. The masked one nodded, leaving without any words, only handing him a set of diamond armour and a pickaxe, pointing towards the back end of the cave before making his leave. "I guess we're mining ourselves out of this one." Techno mumbled to himself, whilst equipping the armour. Harshly, he swung the tool at the stone in front of him, making a few cracks on it surface.
There was a few sharp clanks and then a stern voice he knew too well. "Technoblade-"

Techno swung the pickaxe behind him, turning around and facing the Mexican male, who blocked the attack. "Quackity-
"We killed you, why aren't you dead yet?!" the blue dressed one charged towards the piglin hybrid, axe raised high. Techno dodged, an amused cackle escaping his throat. "Did you really think, Quackity, that you could kill me that easily?!"
They charged at each other, one with swift movements, the other having more unnatural. Metal clashed on metal, both of them held a look of hatred for each other. As they fought, Quackity spoke. "You've been doing so much fucking damage to everything we've been building all a fucking long, Techno!!" his voice flowed with a boiling anger, his hits getting harder with every word.
Of course, his fight was pointless against Techno, he was able to block and dodge all of Quackity's attacks with a flying ease. He managed to disarm his enemy, Quackity's axe got lodged into the wall. Swinging his pickaxe really high, he kept a firm grip on it. "I have a pickaxe, and I'll put it through your teeth!!" and with that, Techno brought the pickaxe right between Quackity's jaw, knocking him out, leaving his blood on the floor.
The snow fell, thick yet gentle around them, Tommy walked behind Techno blindly, as he led him to wherever they were going. "You see, there's something Tommy," he can see the footprints in the snow, the sun is only just sinking below the horizon as they walk up to a large wall-like area. "That i haven't shown anyone, not even Philza." As he spoke, he uncovered a stone button on the wall. "You see this wall-" Techno gestured out for Tommy, inviting him to push the button.

There was a small click and the wall in front of them fell away, revealing a chamber on the inside. Within the chamber were many weapons, sets of armour, some enchanting books, even a few unspawned withers. "What the- What the Fuck?!" Tommy exclaimed as his eyes reflected the blood-red lamp light.
A sinister laugh escaped Techno's throat "Welcome home, Theseus!!"

Aaaaaaand it done!

Now we have 700 reads on this thing, which is awesome, but i've noticed that i, for one, do not have 700 follows, so pls pls pls, if u enjoy my work, follow me, and drop me a vote and comment!! (Also we are so close to a certain number rn-) My half-a-hundred voice reveal is due to be released later in the month so keep ur eyes peeled. Gladiators update coming sometime this week, also leave me some requests pls-

Is that all, i think it is, go read FuxkingGod 's 'Distant Scars' it is so awesome, go check them out, ily all platonically!!

~~Esmerelda (Name change Pog)

Achilles Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora