Scarlet Darkness

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I wrote this on my phone, completely on notes, I didn't even know what I was doing- I would have worked on Hog Hunt, but my mum is borrowing my laptop, sorry.
Idk if it will make sense, couldn't rlly b bothered to proof read it. Still, hope you enjoy.
Also, WTF!! 24 reads in two days?? You guys are legit insane, thank you so much!!😭😭
TW: Blood, suicide, death, mention of torture, drowning, sad Technoblade because yes.
Idk if I've missed any pls tell me-
(Techno's PoV)
The water looked dark, the sky was colourless, all around me, the ground was lifeless. It was as if, in this one place, the season stayed the same, there was no warm summer, welcoming spring, fiery autumn or cool winter, it was just eternal darkness. The cliff side was made up of a black rock, darker than flint, harder than coal, it looked demonic.

The air was cold, so cold. Everything around me felt so unreal, like the world was drained of colour. Bloody red and deep pink were really the only colours I was aware off. Those colours came from my cape, which lay on the floor, unused and my sickly bright hair that kept blowing in my face.

I stood alone in the dark day, I felt so alone. Phil was back at home, I left him a small note saying he should come and find me. I miss him so much now and I don't know why. The wind kept throwing itself against me, freezing me half to death. I don't know why I chose to take off my cloak but it was a bad idea.

I had left any form of self defence back at home, no weapons or potions or anything. So there I stood, questioning what I wanted to do, asking myself wether it would be good to jump or not. The waves battered against the sharp, soot-black rocks below. Their violent song sounded so sweet right now, like they were calling my name. I was bewitched by them, how their black waters swirled upon impact with the rocks, how they rose many metres into the air and majestically came crashing down again, how they held so many wondrous secrets and magical treasures beneath them, locked away forever.

It was one of the most dangerous things for a Piglin to be submerged under the water, as they were creatures of the Nether realm and their bodies weren't designed to withstand low temperatures or moisture at all. I knew what I was dragging myself into. And it was peculiar how I was so enchanted by the water yet it was my worst enemy. Maybe I should've gone back to Phil, and then we could've spent the day together, sharing stories, gathering wood. I wondered if I would've been able to tell him about all my troubles. They kept haunting me and he seemed like the only one I could trust.

Troubles like the day Wilbur was killed and I hated myself for not feeling anything. Troubles like how, when I was younger, I witnessed my younger brother get tortured to death. Troubles like the day the government took away all that I cared about. Troubles like the day Tommy betrayed me. Troubles like how I was pushed into the duel against Dream.

The more I thought, the more I realised that the list would only grow and that death now would be sweeter than the freshest honey.

I jumped. The wind against my cheeks felt refreshing. The way the ocean encased me, as if I was another of its secrets, was comforting. The way the liquid hugged me in a cold grasp was beautifully lulling. How the precious air was sucked from my lungs gave me a calming sensation. I loved how I couldn't see anything apart from the fantastic blackness around me. I was right, the sea is beautiful. I loved how the only sound around me was the soothing swishing of the water in my ears, how I could no longer feel my tears because they were being taken away by the exquisite substance around me.

It felt sensational to be tugged away by the quick currents. My hair swayed in the water's speed, it made me feel relaxed. I had long since abandoned my colourless crown on the cliffside. Everything around me seemed so perfect. But like everything that happens to me, that perfectness always gets ruined.

There was a terrible thrashing of colours in my vision, I realised how low I was on oxygen, how bad the water was stinging but I ignored it, more frightened of the scenes in front of me.

The dark tides parted, making way for two children, both of them were pure white, one was pinned against the wall of an invisible room by a group of strong bodyguards, he was thrashing, longingly staring at the other boy, who was pinned against the ground with a bloodied blade in his stomach. A chorus of agonising screams left his lips, pleading for a mercy that would never come.

The memory struck me like a brick to the head, making me jerk in pain and squeeze my eyes shut. 'Stop, don't show me it please!' No one heard the pleads, I don't think the water even heard them.

The unsettling scene sifted with the streams of water. Bubbles in the water collected, forming a pale white scene in front of my reopened eyes. It was one of the most horrific memories I had.

Dream lay pinned down, beneath my boot, I held the sharp, diamond sword to his throat. "Finish it." The person in front of me ordered. There was a terror on my face, red eyes shimmering with fear and guilt. "But he's innocent." My voice quivered with anxiety.

The crowd screamed from the side lines, Dream let out a pained groan from beneath me as the blade pierced his throat slightly. "I said finish it, scum." Their gaze was hard and cold. I looked down at my friend beneath me, leaning down and whispering my final goodbye in his ear. He nodded weakly, begging for me to end it quickly, which I did, slitting his throat as painlessly as possible, watching as he fell peaceful.

When I thought the water would carry away my tears, I was wrong, because I felt their weight against my raw cheeks now. My lungs screamed for air, I couldn't do much but obey their calls for it. I weakly pushed myself up to the surface, suddenly clasping my left ankle as it got caught against one of those sharp rocks. As I sunk back down, not having fulfilled my mission to get some breath, the flesh teared unpleasantly, sending a puff of maroon red into the water around me. I watched as a Scarlet Darkness over came the night tide.

The water felt welcoming again. As if it had hugged me. I let myself sink to the ocean floor, staring up as I lost my vision. I want it to stop. It will. I'll be able to see Dream again soon, and Wilbur. And all the guilt and the pain will go away.

What about Phil though? I told him to come and find me. He'll only find this barren land, my cape and crown when he comes. If he's lucky, my body might wash up on the rocks so he has something else to burry.

Why do I keep hurting everyone? I couldn't see anymore, I couldn't even hear the song of the water anymore. I started to loose my sense of touch, my lungs had long since stopped working. The world around me fell silent, as I let the final, small bubble of air escape me.

I was buried in my favourite place beneath the waves. I trust Poseidon to keep my secrets safe now.

I could see Dream somewhere in the distance, he was conversing with Wil. I was finally free of that colourless world, of that Scarlet Darkness.

Aaah, I'm just sad, i want Techno angst. Pls leave me a vote and comment if you enjoyed it, I'm grateful for all my readers but I prefer feedback to ghost readers. I'm working on chapter 4 of Gladiators so bare with me once I get my laptop back.
Have a fantastic day/ night/afternoon and remember that life wants you here, and that God has had mercy on you and he loves you.

Take care!! ~~Rae

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