Character info

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Name : Katya Grimbourgh (Pronounced Kah-tye-ya)

Age : 16

Gender : Female

Height : 5'8

Looks : Long waist length straight dark brown hair with blue and green highlights in her bangs. Hair is usually seen in a ponytail or a braid with the bangs either loose or tucked behind and ear. Eyes are a bright amber color that practically glows under sunlight. Eyebrows are on the somewhat thin side. One has two purposeful gaps in it that each hold a vertical barbell piercing. Somewhat high cheekbones and a defined jawline. Slender hourglass shaped body with a limestone tan skin tone with darker undertones. Has a matt black helix band piercing on one of her ears and a curving flower vine tattoo curling around her lower arm.

Clothing : Black jeans with small purposeful rips spanning from the upper thigh to below the knee. Black, white, purple, and tie-dye tank top. Black fabric jacket with green accents is usually tied around the waist or hips.

Personality : Kind, smart, quick-thinking, stubborn, brave, artistic, sometimes a little spontaneous, sassy, protective, can be a bit quiet sometimes, not afraid to call it as she sees it, ambivert that leans more to the extroverted side, can be quite humble when it comes to money.

Likes : Dinosuars, trying new things, meeting new people, honestly just about anything

Dislikes : Kenji (But slowly grows more tolerant of him as time goes on), Indominus Rex, Scorpious REx, things trying to kill her, being lied to

Neutral about : Living on an island full of escaped dinosaurs

Bio : Katya was born and raised into a very wealthy family over in England that had personal connections to the Owen Grady, due to him being Katya's uncle. She was spoiled, spending a couple weeks over in a different state or country and experiencing what it had to offer once every few months. She was also homeschooled, where her parents hired on some of the best teachers they knew.

During these lessons, she was not only taught the normal subjects, like math, history, and english, but also other things, like learning to appreciate what she had, and learning that there were many others who didn't have things as good as she did. That being said, despite being in a very wealthy family, Katya was treated like any other child and teenager, and was allowed to experiencing the adventurous side of life. Playing in dirt, riding a bike, swimming, hiking, playing video games, and going out to places took up her free time growing up, and thanks to her playful nature, she was able to accumulate a good number of close friends, both in her area, and online.

Of course, she was also smart about it, and made sure they were friends with her for her, and not for her money.

A couple of days before her sixteenth birthday, she received a widely sought after video game that revolved around Jurassic World. One that promised entry to an exclusive, state of the art camping opportunity on Isla Nublar. After failed attempts by many, someone on YouTube who had tried even said it was unbeatable, Katya, who tied with one other person out in the world, finally managed to beat the game.

And so began her adventure at Camp Cretaceous...

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