No, i could never give u peace

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Joe and Nicholas drove back home together in complete silence, no eye contact and Nicholas just kept his head low. When they got home, Nicholas just got dressed and went straight to bed. So many things went through his head. Joe wanted to go up to nicholas to apologise to him and talk about plans and everything else but Joe was too scared. But Joe always kind of knew that Nicholas wanted him. The signs were so obvious. So joe just stood near his bedroom door. Nicholas noticed him standing in the refelction of the window and turned around.
"What are you doing here?" Nicholas asked.
"I'm so sorry, i made such a big mistake tonight" joe replied. "Thats alright, can we talk about it tomorrow?" Nicholas told him. "Why tomorrow when we can do it now?" Joe said with a wink. Nicholas just stared at Joe as he started un-buttoning his jeans. Nicholas turned back around as he felt his dick going hard. "I know you want to." Joe told Nicholas. Nicholas knew he wanted to do that with Joe, but he couldn't. Then Joe crawled into Bed with Nicholas and put his arm around his stomach. Nicholas sighed. Then he turned around, facing Joe he grabbed joe by the cheeks and started making out with him. They put each other's tongues in their mouth and started going hard on each other. Since joe had found a cherry candy in his pocket when they were driving, he decided to eat it. "You taste like cherry, i love it" nicholas told joe. Then joe started touching under his pyjamas and felt Nicholas's six pack. Nicholas took his Pyjamas off and so did Joe. The two got on their knees on the bed, grabbed their hands and kept making out. Joe started kissing his neck.
"Your neck tastes like cinnamon" Joe said moaning whilst kissing his neck like a vampire. "I know keep doing it" nicholas replied. Then nicholas decided to go far down, and reached his hand into joe's underwear, giving him a handjob. "Oh nicholas you going on the high road arent you? Good boy." Nicholas moaned as he kept going back and forth on Joe's dick. When nicholas finished giving Joe a handjob, he went layed on the bed as joe was topping him. Joe put his arm under nicholas's back lifting him up to his body. Then nicholas bent at the end of the bed as Joe was kissing him from waist to neck. Nicholas then dug his nails into joes back and went down. "Nicholas, you're nasty" Joe told Nicholas. "i know daddy" Nicholas told him back.

After hours of tossing and turning, the two fell asleep. Nicholas fell asleep on Joe's abs and through the window a slight sun-beam reflected onto their faces. When Joe woke nicholas up, Nicholas looked at him and told him he loved him. "I know you love me, but i could never give u peace." Nicholas and Joe both knew make-up sex was better than anything. "Are you into me? Do i turn you on?" Nicholas asked joe. "Yes, very much Nicholas." And so the two kept laying on the bed with the sun ray reflecting onto them.

" And so the two kept laying on the bed with the sun ray reflecting onto them

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