Chicago Times

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A month had passed since joe and nicholas had lived together. They became best friends, co-workers and really understood each other. Joe was recieving a lot of money from the company earning 1,100$ a month. Even tho Nicholas and Joe were Always on task, they felt overworked with the fact they hadn't gone to the night-club for a long time. They missed lana and all their other friends that would hang around. So they decided to finally go to the nightclub again.

It was 8:46pm and the two had gone to the club. Lana was singing there as usual, they bought drinks, drank, laughed and much more. When lana had her 45 minute break, she went up to the boys. When she sat down, she questioned everything. She asked them where they have been cause they said that the nightclub was their home. "Sorry Lana, we have been so over-worked Joe, haven't we?" Nicholas told Lana. "I see" Lana replied. Then all of a sudden out of no-where, lana starts flirting with Joe. She kept saying shit like: "i know what i really want to blow" "I prefer blonde guys, nicholas" and "you look lonely, lets go sing on stage joe." Nicholas felt a bit.. weird about that.

When lana had finished her 45 minute break she went on stage, saw the list of songs she needed to sing and started singing. She sang the list normally, but then she decided to play joe's favourite song. It was not on the list, and she thought the crowd would be fine.
"OH MY GOD! THATS MY FAVOURITE SONG" And so joe started dancing like nobody was watching and Lana kept giving very sexual body language towards joe. She winked, showed a lot of hip movement and touched herself. Then all drunk, she went off stage, grabbed joe by his tie, and started singing to his face. Joe was so happy. Then at some point Lana took Joe to the bathroom. She still kept her microphone whilst going to the bathroom and the crowd didn't hear what they wanted to hear. They heard moaning as Joe started kissing Lana's neck. Joe and Lana were getting scandalous in the bathroom stall and at some point, Nicholas had ENOUGH. He went to the bathroom they were in, broke the stall door and took joe back to the table.
"Give him back to me, son of a bitch!" Lana shouted.
"What did you just call me?" Nicholas asked with a shock on his face.
"I said, GIVE HIM BACK TO ME YOU SON OF A BITCH!" And so Lana shouted that out, hit Nicholas with a microphone and tried to drag joe back to the stall. Eventually the manager came and got everything done. He told Nicholas and Lana to stop fighting and that the nightclub will be closing earlier.
"And with that being said, Lana, i will be firing you!"
The manager told to lana's face and snatched the microphone from her. Then he closed down the nightclub and everyone went home.

Nicholas dragged Joe to the car and put him in the back as he was all drunk and out of his mind. Like an angry father, Nicholas started shouting to Joe about what he had done. "ARE YOU CRAZY, YOU SON OF A BITCH?HAVING YOUR SLUTTY GIRLFRIEND CALL ME A SON OF A BITCH AND HIT ME WITH A FUCKING MICROPHONE IN THE HEAD? FUCK YOU" Nicholas yelled out loudly in the car. On the other hand was joe, like a child completely confused. They went home at 11pm and Nicholas went to bed angry.

But... was nicholas angry because of what Lana did to Him or what she did to Joe?

 was nicholas angry because of what Lana did to Him or what she did to Joe?

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
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