Comfort (13+) - 2023

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My contribution for #//FanimonstarAngstJune on Twitter. First written in 2021, rewrote in 2023. Includes descriptions of panic attacks, blood, gore, and character death.

Being a leader of the most successful team in a space organization takes quite a toll on him. Despite that, he's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, far from that, but it doesn't take a second for anyone to understand what's going on.

His heart keeps ponding hardly in his oh-so-useless limp state,  he might as well die during a panic attack. His legs are like jelly, gravity kept dragging him to the ground, what's with him and his endless cycles of near death sequences and somehow managed to escape ALL of them? He wondered that for a while, but maybe it won't be true in a matter of seconds.

Is he afraid of death? The fearless leader is afraid? Why? There's nothing to be feared about if he can just supressed his emotions and be cool and let his friends take over the scene because they trusted them and he trusts them back because of course they are he can't risk breaking their friendship they have built for so long not to mention they're his closest friends he ever had yet and he swears to god he will do ANYTHING to protect them

His hand ever-so-slowly moves near his face, turning on his power watch with a built-in communicator. "Gopal please tell me you're still there please tell me you're still there tellmeyourestilltheretellmeyourestilltheretellmeyourestilltheretellmeyourestillthere--"

"Dude, breathe! In and out, buddy!"

Great. He hyperventilated for the umpteenth time in this peaceful night. Or morning. Or noon. Or-- wait how long this fight has been going again? Not even his elementals remembered, maybe he's tired, maybe he just wants to sleep and curl up into a ball and not bother to wake up for the rest of his life--

"We have to get there immediately! No one would be calm in that state! What if the enemy is still onto him and searching him in that fire?!"

"Ochobot, please no--"

"Coward! You're their-- no, HIS only hope. OUR only hope. Do I have to remind you that others actually died fighting there?!"


Did he forget that his friends are actually... gone? When? For goodness sakes, did they die when they were fighting with the enemy here? Cause that's for sure isn't in his deep pile of memories. Ochobot's not joking right? He sounds so desperate oh god he doesn't even know who are their target was or wait it still counts as is right is he gonna cry is he

"Boboiboy, can you breathe? C'mon, in and out slowly. In..." 

Right. His name is Boboiboy, which he almost forgot. His friend is Gopal, his best friend. His other best friend and companion who often helps him sleep at night is Ochobot, which he would do that right now. Okay, he's still a mess, but it helps a little. He still haven't remembered the important details though, does he have amnesia? Here? Of all times?

"'re still in denial? Me too. But... it happened."

Maybe that's why he can't remember anything. He swore to protect his friends and now they're gone. He failed a task that is SO simple to do, he was blinded by the truth he saw with his own two eyes. And now he can't even remember a single thing about it. He could feel his eyes trying to fight off his tears flowing.

"...I can't remember... I-I didn't remember that they died... I still do..."

"One of the guards managed to get you in a safe room and... accidentally hit your head onto a metal floor, or it could be a coping method of stress. I'm sorry you have to take this the hard way, buddy."

PSU Drabbles and OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang