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hi sweet sunshines!
i'm back?? so soon?? wow go me i guess!

also thank you so much for your nice comments on the last chapter. things have been super hectic for me lately and it was so nice and refreshing to see you guys supporting me.
i just love u guys the most<3

ok. i'm done speaking.

enjoy this chapter, take care of yourselves, drink some water. i love u. i'll be back soon :)

I've always hated the fact that you have to announce to your family that you're dating someone. Well, you don't have to, but in my family you do.

I personally think that "the announcement" is one of the worst parts about getting into a relationship.

And now, I have to tell my parents that I, their little girl, have a new boyfriend. And this new boyfriend just so happens to be the same boy that I repeatedly denied having any feelings for, right to their faces.

We left Florida a few days ago. Charlie went back to Canada to do god knows what before he goes off on another adventure, and Owen and I came back to California. The two of us went back to our respective homes after landing, but my attachment issues made him come right over to my apartment the next day so we could hang out.

But today, he left early in the morning to go run some errands, and I've been left alone all day until now. I am currently sitting in my car, I just pulled into my parents' driveway for our weekly dinner that I had to miss last week because we were still in Florida.

I sigh, turning off my car as I gather my belongings and prepare myself to go inside. I know that I should probably tell my parents about Owen tonight and just get it over with, but I don't really want to. Although I know my mom will be upset with me for keeping this from her for as long as I already have, even though it's only been two weeks.

For all I know, we could have a big blow up tomorrow and break up, and then I'd have to announce that to my parents as well.

"Mother!" I yell into the house as soon as I open the front door. I hear her yell in the kitchen, followed by the sound of a few things clashing to the ground just before she comes running into the foyer.

"Hi, baby!" She throws her arms around me, squeezing me as tight as she possibly can. I laugh, hugging her back. "It's been so long! How are you, my sweet?"

"I'm good," I gently push her hands away from my cheeks when she tries to squeeze them.

"Come to the kitchen, dad's in there," she grabs my hand, tugging me behind her as she leads me to the kitchen.

"Where's Winnie?" I ask, looking around for the giant fur ball that is usually waiting for me at the front door. "And Phantom and Luna?"

"Winnie's out in the backyard. She's been loving the weather lately. The cats have been sleeping in your room all day long, they've also been loving the sunshine in there," my dad tells me, walking around the kitchen counter to come greet me. "Hi, honey. How's my little Jojo bear doing?"

"Good," I grin, leaning into him as he hugs me. It's only been just over two weeks since I last saw my parents, but I still missed them a lot.

"How was your trip? Tell us everything!" My mom leans her elbows on the counter, watching me expectantly. I smile, slinging my purse strap over one of the bar stools before taking a seat across from her. My dad goes back to making dinner, but he keeps his head turned slightly to show that he's engaged in the conversation.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang