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hi sunshines :-)
happy tuesday!!! here's another chapter!
let me know what you guys think (also thank you for your comments on the last chapter. they were so nice i truly love u all)
enjoy!!! <3
(p.s. writing this chapter made me so sad???? for no reason???? i have an such an emotional attachment to this cast byeeeee) 

The next days fly by.

And when I say fly, I mean it.

For the past week, Savannah and I have spent pretty much every minute of every day with Charlie and Owen, and Jer has been hanging around more than he had been previously.

If we're not in their apartment, they're in ours. We all know our time is dwindling fast, and none of us bother to mention it. Every day is simply spent soaking in the much needed company.

We went out and explored Vancouver a bit, considering we didn't get to do much of that with our busy filming schedules. We went on a lot of walks and hikes, lots of calm but very fun excursions.

Well, calm might not be the way to put it. With the three of those boys around, nothing is calm.

The calmest and quietist the boys are, is when they're all sitting around and singing or playing instruments. Charlie's guitar has been strummed pretty much nonstop this week. But let me tell you, there is nothing more therapeutic than sitting in the living room while these boys are singing softly. The amount of times I've fallen asleep to their gentle voices is insane, and I'm always woken up the next minute with them singing some 90s rock song.

And now, it's December eighth. Tonight is the cast party, which Kenny rented out a club for, and tomorrow, everyone is flying back to their respective hometowns. Everyone to a different city and, or, country.

It's just past three in the morning when I'm jolted awake by the sound of my door opening and closing a few seconds later. I sit up in a haze, seeing a creepy and dark figure standing by my door. The only source of light in the room is coming from the moon, so I really can't see much.

"Which one are you?" I ask, my voice raspy from sleep. It's either Charlie, Owen, or Savannah.  Well, I guess it could be any random stranger, but I hope that's not the case. 

"Owen," I hear my favorite blonde's voice and I instantly relax.

"Everything okay?" I ask with a yawn, my eyes slightly adjusting to the darkness.

"I just..I...I woke up, and I...I think I," he stumbles furiously over his words, making it clear to me that something is wrong with him.

"Hey, come here," I coo, lifting my blanket to signal for him to lay down. When he walks closer to my bed, the moon shines directly on his face and I notice streaks from now-dry tears. "Take a deep breath. Come here, bubs. What's up?"

He crawls right into bed with me, snuggling himself into my blankets. He lets out a loud sigh, making me frown.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I ask quietly, instantly reaching down to smooth out his long hair. I know it soothes him, it always has, and it gives me something to do with my hands besides just sitting there with them in my lap.

Owen lets out another sigh, this one longer, and throws his head back into a pillow.

"I'm sorry for waking you up," he mumbles, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Don't apologize, it's okay. Wanna tell me what's wrong?"

His breathing has regulated itself a bit more, but I can tell he's feeling anxious.

"I woke up from an anxiety attack, and I couldn't stop crying and freaking out. I don't know why," he admits, seemingly ashamed of his actions.

"Are you nervous about anything?" I question, adjusting my position so I'm now laying on my side and facing him, my left hand tucked under my cheek as my right hand hooks around his head. I gently tangle my fingers through the hair by his ear.

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