"Lady Makaria would be pleased with your warrior blood!" she laughed, inhaling my scent from my neck as I push my head even farther back to the concrete floor. I slid my hand slowly down to my back, her feet suddenly stomped on my left hand. I let out a groan and closed my eyes that watered.

She raised her sharp claws, "You will die, human!" she yelled. I opened my eyes, the sight coming to a blur. If this is how I will die, I might as well be brave enough to face it. She swung her hand, ready to hit my face but was knocked away with a yelp.

I got up from my feet immediately, her jarring scream could be heard dwindling as the fire from the arrow cackled and spread from her body. I looked around me as my eyes lit in joy, "Caleb! You came!" I wrapped my arms around him, hugging my brother.

"I'm sorry, Cast. I shouldn't have left you to fight all alone." he sighed, "It's fine, you're here now." I pat his back and let go, we both exchanged our small smiles and eventually turned to each other's back.

I ran towards the altar, dodging every blow the vampires gave with Caleb helping behind me. I turned around, meeting the ferocious gaze of the red-haired lady with her taunting smirk.

"You dare come to my palace unannounced and make enemy with my people?" she scoffed, her crimson, red eyes gleaming with a blinding light of emerald green. She raised her long, clawed hands, and with a green, glowing gleam from her palms, we heard a scream of terror.

"Then let me make your crusade useless!" she laughed as she gripped on (y/n)'s throat, holding her up from the floor. I looked around and saw my comrades up in the cross with a peek as they nod in response to my stare, they're ready.

I turned to Makaria with furrowed brows, I stepped back with clenched fists. I was nervous, their shrewd eyes on me. "You wouldn't like that," I replied in a loud tone. "And what if I do?" she tightened her grip, making (y/n) choke out her pleas.

"Then you'll regret your choice!" I turned away from her, "Turn the cross!" I yelled in order as they all got out of the shades of the shadows and turned the heavy cross, hearing the squeaking of the wooden cross from the wall.

I felt a hand grip on my shoulder tightly, I turned around with Caleb's silver sword raised. "No, Castriel! You can't do this! This isn't part of our plan!" Caludia said in a panic, pulling me forward. I shrug her hand off and turned to Caleb, "Take her somewhere else, Caleb. Spare her." I said, ignoring her complaints.

Caleb sighed and roughly pulled her away, "It's useless! This is suicide for me!" was her last words before she left, everyone stared with grieving eyes as Makaria stepped back. "No!" she yelled in a tremble, sensing her fear throughout this spacious cathedral.

"What are you imbeciles doing? Stop them!" she pointed, they all came forward with gleaming eyes. I turned around and signaled them to go forward. "Fire!" I ordered with a hand, lit arrows came forward from behind us and plunged their foreheads and chest.

I stepped back with a stake to my left and a silver sword to my right. I swung the stake to one of the vamps that struck me with a swift slice on the cheek, he totters back and moaned a cry.

"You can't do this! No, you can't!" I heard Claudia's scream, pushing back everyone else in great strength towards me. Her purple eyes gleamed, blinding me with the bright shine. "Stop them, Castriel! Stop them!" she said with pleading eyes, "What are you doing here? Get back inside!" I yelled.

"Her blood is tied! Tied I say!" she clutched on the collar of my shirt, her kneecaps coming to a break. Light emitted from above as they all stopped and staggered backward. My eyes widen in alarm and grappled Claudia within my arms, "I'll protect you, I promise." I whispered, my voice suddenly soft.

"Castriel" she sobbed in a weak tone. I ignored the moaning pain and agony, looking down at her with her hands caressing my cheek, a blush came across from me as my heart palpitate. "I love you..." she said in a hush, with eyes watery and tears that came down like a waterfall.

"Wh...why are you telling me this now?" I darted my eyes, looking for an answer from her purple pupils. "Because you're my knight, and I'm nothing but a villain in your story, and villains don't just...fall for a hero, right?" Claudia frowned but she was still able to smile and chuckle from her own words, "A villain is always meant to die." she added.

I clutched on her more tightly, feeling a shock of despair with my eyes going to a blur from the tears. "No! I'm not letting that happen, kay'?" I assured, but I heard no response. Her body felt lighter until I eventually felt like I was hugging nothing.

The screams and fainting terror all muffled my ear, the sounds of cheering came to a blast but I seemed tainted from the sadness I felt. I lowered my arms and nothing but ashes was to be seen. "Claudia..." her name rolled out of my tongue in a weak, frail tone.

The tears came out like a waterfall as I crashed down on the floor. "Castriel?" he called my name, going down to his knees with a hand on my shoulder. "She's...she's gone, Caleb!" I said in disbelief, a frown plastered on his face with the following sigh.

He closed his eyes and hugged me tightly, my scream echoed throughout the room while the others gave a pitiful stare.

𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙥𝙥𝙡𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙧𝙚 (𝙔𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙚!𝙑𝙖𝙢𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙚 𝙓 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧)Where stories live. Discover now