42. The Devil Went Down To Louisiana

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"Are you sure?"

He looked down at me and gave me a wink. "Nothing I can't handle." He pressed a quick kiss to my lips before he started walking toward his father. "Go on, I'll be there in a bit then we can go home."

Despite the calm facade that he was trying so hard to uphold, I could see the nervousness in his eyes and the question that was burning in both of our heads: why was his father here? And, more importantly, did his mother have anything to do with it?

My gaze stayed on Tyler for a few seconds as he walked toward his father, though it was obvious by his movements that he didn't want to. It was almost as if he was fighting against himself in hopes to prolong the amount of time before his father could tell him the potentially bad news.

I forced myself to look away and followed the other boys into the locker room. I quickly hopped into the shower, hoping that it would help me pass the time and Tyler would be waiting for me by the time I was done. However, when I stepped out, he was still nowhere to be seen and I started to worry.

"Hey, blondie, why do you look so down?" Ian asked as he walked up to me. He'd already changed and had his backpack slung over his shoulder.

"Nothing," I said, but I should've known better. Ian could read me like a book.

His eyebrows furrowed and the playfully mood got sucked out of the air. "Hey, hey, Addison, you know I know you better than that. What's going on? You know you can tell me anything. I'm your diary with a dick, remember?"

"Please stop saying that before I chop it off," I groaned as I sat on the bench.

"I'll stop saying it when you start remembering it," Ian pressed as he sat down next to me. "Now come on. Talk."

"Come on, man, isn't Lelani waiting for you? You shouldn't keep her waiting, I'm fine, Ian. Go."

In response to my lackluster attempt at convincing him that I was okay, he did the last thing I expected him to do: he pulled my head down into his chest and hugged me. "Addison, I'm sorry. You only get like this when things have been building up for a while. I've been so distracted and pre-occupied that I didn't notice, and that makes me a shitty friend. I'm sorry."

Ian's concern and sentiment caused a warm feeling to blossom in my chest. Sometimes, I forgot how legitimately blessed I was to have a best friend like Ian who cared so much about me and would always stick by my side. And I really loved him for it.

"Thanks, Ian, but you don't have to always keep an eye on me," I said with a small humorless chuckle, though I made no attempt to break the hug. "You deserve to live your life and there are some things that I just need to work through alone."

Ian hummed in response, though it was clear that he still wasn't totally satisfied with my response. But, like the amazing best friend he was, he knew when not to push it. Besides, this problem wasn't solely mine to share, it was Tyler's, so I had absolutely no right to go around telling people, not even to Ian.

"Alright man, I'll let you sit on it until you're ready. But just remember that I'm always here to talk or simply listen, so never feel like I'm too busy or that your problem isn't important enough, okay?"

"Okay," I affirmed as we both pulled away. "Thank you, Ian. I really mean it. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Cry hysterically," he instantly answered with a shrug. "And have a dickless diary, and where's the fun in that?"

"Ian!" I whined as I made a move to hit him but he jumped out of my reach.

"Bye Addi-Bear!" he said in a singsong voice as he dramatically walked away. I narrowed my eyes at the spot he'd been standing in. He knew I hated that nickname with a passion. But before I could run after him, Tyler walked in and as soon as our eyes met, I was faced with an expression I'd never seen on him before. Not happy but not sad either. He didn't seem afraid or confused or even upset, just...there.

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