xviii. water balloons

Start from the beginning

"Courtesy of Dobby," Harry nodded.

Grabbing the plate, I handed a cinnamon roll to everyone in the room. Together we ate our mini breakfast and chatted over nothing. We laughed and shared stories about everyone in the room. Halfway through the stories, Lavender and Parvati decided to go to breakfast and left. The other five stayed with me a little bit longer until Hermione announced something.

"Since you didn't want a birthday party, I have done something better," she beamed. "In the short notice, I grabbed a group of your friends and created a Birthday Scavenger Hunt!"

"Wait, actually?" I smiled up at Hermione. Everyone around the room nodded with an annoyed face.

"I'd like to let you know, that we are only doing this because we love you so so so much," George wrinkled his nose at me.

"Anyways, it is time for you to go upstairs and get ready! Wear something nice and comfortable," Hermione suggested. "But before you go, I'll give you your first hint: Cinderella turns into a pumpkin at midnight."

"Cinderella doesn't do that," I laughed. "But I think I get your gist."

Running up the spiral stairs, I went into my room and quickly changed out of my pyjamas into leggings and a long-sleeved Gryffindor shirt. Slipping my shoes on, I looked around my room for the clue. Hermione said something about Cinderella, who is a Disney Princess. I don't have anything princess related. Going through my trunk, I saw a small piece of parchment tied around the strap of my dress from the Yule Ball on Christmas. Unfolding the paper, Hermione's perfect lettering wrote a clue in the form of a riddle:

The heart of S.P.E.W. lies in the Pumpkin Juice.

The only thing I could think of was the time when Hermione freaked out over the fact that house-elves worked in the kitchen. She was so shocked Hermione manage to tip over her pumpkin juice the first day back from summer. Maybe the next clue is in the Great Hall, I thought to myself. Running back down the stairs, the common room was completely empty unlike when I left it. The only people who were in there were Ginny and Nevile.

"Do you guys know where everyone went?" I asked them.

"Something about getting in position for your birthday scavenger hunt," said Ginny.

"Thanks," I smiled and ran off.

Making my way out of the Gryffindor Tower, I looked around the corridors as I ran through them. People walked the corridors, but no sign of my friends. Either they were hiding, or anything I passed happened to not be a part of the hunt. The Great Hall was full when I got there. Students lined the tables, eating and enjoying their breakfast. In my usual spot at the Gryffindor table, Hermione ate some oatmeal looking thing.

"On the first day of school, Nearly Headless Nick told you about the house-elves in the kitchen. You were so shocked, you managed to spill your pumpkin juice all over the table. I ended up cleaning it," I sat down across from her.

"Spot on," Hermione congratulated. Reaching for something next to her, she pulled out a small box with a folded parchment paper.

"What's this?"

"Happy birthday, Lottie," she smiled. "It's your present and the next clue! But you have to eat breakfast first."

Opening the box, I gasped at the beautiful pair of earrings. They were little studs that had tiny silver suns on each earring.

"Hermione! These are so precious, thank you," I leaned over the table and hugged her.

"Of course. You're one of my best friends," beamed Hermione. "Now, eat something so you can open the clue."

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