7 M.I.H (Jirou X Reader)

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"Get up," Y/n shook her girlfriend awake early that morning.

"Mhmm, not now," Jirou mumbled curled up in a ball under the sheets.

The two had been a couple for quite a while now, and Y/n knew Jirou was extremely difficult to wake. However the girl didn't have a choice they had somewhere to go.

"Kyoka, I need you to wake up, please?" The girl tried to whisper softly to not upset the purple haired musician, but I didn't work.

"No," Jirou took the pillow under her head and threw it at Y/n, "Let me sleep longer," She whined.

You rolled your eyes at the sleepyhead and gave up, "Fuck this, it won't work-"

Instead of continuing any attempts to wake your girlfriend up you left the room. As you were quietly walking down the steps to your room you thought you heard something, but you didn't see a thing.

Brushing off what you heard you walked through the hall hoping to wake no one, but you failed to realize the noise from earlier was Todoroki dropping his phone after getting a cup of water.

He saw you leave Jirou's room, then he almost ran into you on the stairs, because he was confused he went to ask Mina.

"Mina, this morning I saw Y/n leave Jirou's room...do you know why?" A confused look plastered on his face causing her to let out a loud laugh before answering.

"They're a thing, I knew it!" Mina cheered happily after hearing what her classmate said, but Todoroki was still perplexed.

"I have a feeling that they're dating, and I think you just proved me right!" The pink skinned girl said when she noticed the scarred boys confusion.


"Okay, that means, Jirou is in the closet with y/n!" Mina said after the bottle stopped its rotation.

"How can you tell? It landed in between Denki and I," Jirou said finding it suspicious that Mina was eager to put the two of you in that closet for seven minutes.

"I already went, so you should go," The yellow haired male offered.

"I mean...I guess you're right, but don't expect much." Both yourself and Jirou walked over to the closet and took a step into the darkness.

"And your time starts...now," The redheaded classmate of yours Kirishima called out as the door was shut.

Your lips locked seconds later as your bodies pushed up against each other. Warm tingles and pleasant sensations filled your body and the atmosphere, then Kyoka pulled back.

Panting for air the both of you tried filling your lungs with some much needed air, lips once again came in contact with your body except not to meet your lips.

They were where your jaw and neck meet, sucking harshly on your skin until it bruised. She peppered kisses all around trailing all the way back to your lips.

Kyoka wanted more and so did you. Your lips met again with hunger for each other, kissing once again. Exploring each other's mouth while hands slid over bodies feeling around.

A light shone bright enough to seep through your eyelids, you sensed the door being opened. In response the two of you pulled away and acted like nothing happened.

First Kyoka stepped out and you followed behind her, failing to realize Mina was on the other side with her ear pressed to the door listening.

"Couple confirmed," Mina said as she sat back down in the circle next to Todoroki, "Good job partner!" She gave him a satisfied smile.

The game continued however, you and your girlfriend weren't done yet, you both found excuses to leave and meet in your room oblivious to what Mina now knew.

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