Battle of the Bands (Kyoka Jirou X Reader)

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"Ready to perform?" Our manager asked us, the answer was no, for me at least. My heart was beating quickly, hands shaking and sweaty, breathing unsteadily.

"Uhh I'll be back...maybe," Before the other realized what I meant I ran into the dressing room and locked myself in it.

What if I mess up? Everyone is gonna be disappointed in me, I'm going to fail. There will be so many eyes on me. Jirou is so much better than me, why can't she just perform instead. Oh gosh, why did I agree to this?

Questions flew around not helping the knots in my stomach. Nothing else but worry was pitted deep inside.

A knocking on the door scared me out my thoughts, "Y/n, c'mon we need you up there," Jirou called out from behind the door.

"Kyoka, I'm not ready," A tiny voice that wasn't much like my own croaked, surprisingly it was my voice.

"Why aren't you ready?" She asked me through the door.

"Because I'm scared-" I said beginning to pick at my cuticles and nails.

A momentary silence filled the air, but soon it was broken by Kyoka's calm voice, "Look, can you let me in please?" She asked.

I unlocked the door and let her in as she asked. She pulled me into a hug with my head resting on her shoulder.

"I know it's scary, but you've done this before, just get on stage and lose yourself in the music," Jirou advised me.

"But what if I mess up?" The pressure I felt caused my stomach to churn. Tears began running down my face.

Warm hands cupped my wet cheeks, passionate eyes burnt into mine. Her voice like music to my ears and heart said, "You can't mess up, your beautiful lips, voice, and face have never made mistakes, the made discoveries, so please come rock out on stage with me,"

"Okay-" Her words gave me the courage to get on stage, those words made me feel as if I could conquer the world.

"Ladies, gentleman and those in between, to welcome this wonderful band from U.A High!" The announcer stepped off stage to let us play.

The music started, first drums and bass, then the other instruments. All eyes were on us and we deserved it. We worked hard to get here to the battle of the bands, so we will do our best and try our hardest.

Heart racing I began to sing, I was so nervous and worried before, but as I sang everything started to fade away. No more eyes, no more pressure, just my band, Jirou, and I in our own world.

The music stopped and I opened my eyes, I looked out to the audience and realized something. I did it, I preformed with all my heart, and no regrets. We got off stage, and the curtain closed.

I ran up to Jirou who just put her guitar and gave her a big hug, "We did it!" I squealed.

"No, you did it. But don't be so excited yet, save that for when we leave with a Battle of the Bands Trophy in our hands," The purple haired beauty smiled at me.

"And the winner is, H.S aka Hero Squad!"

My blood rushed through me, happiness spread like an electrical current, my cheeks hurt from smiling as we bowed to the crowd.

We had won battle of the bands, Jirou carried me out the auditorium bridal style as I held onto the trophy tightly, "See, you did it silly, don't go doubting yourself like that again angel," She kisses me on the forehead.

"That's enough get a room, or an altar this isn't your wedding," Our drummer Bakugou deadpanned.

We rolled our eyes and got in the bus where our manager was, present mic clapped as we got in the car, "Congratulations! Now let's party!!" He gave us a proud smile and cranked up the music.

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