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Days passed and I was still in this room. People would come in an out to bring me food, water and clothes. Each of them hesitant around me, some would show their wings, some would not.

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep. I could only think about my parents, my home, my friends.  I was in agony, and going crazy in this large room with only my thoughts as company.

Who would've attacked us? Nymeria was a peaceful country, we never harmed anyone. We lived our lives in comfort, in peace and solitude. It was a small country, that many have probably never heard of.

What did we do, what did my parents do to deserve this fate? Even worse, why was I the only one who survived? There had to be more of my people out there, right?

It didn't matter, no matter how big the hole in my heart was. I had spent days crying, unleashing my anger on anything I could, but I was stuck here.

Thousands of miles away from home, without a thing to call mine. Is this fate really any better than the one I would've received had Tespar and Cassian not found me?

At least in Nymeria, I could've rested peacefully with the people I love. Now, I have to go on without them in a constant state of anguish. Death would feel better than this pain I was feeling.

Cassian swore he would keep me safe, but what did that mean? Where was he? I had not seen or spoken to him since the day I awoke.

Was this really his plan? To keep me hidden from the rest of Erytheia? I didn't belong here, I knew that much, but I would not allow him to keep me here like a captive to be forgotten about.

My thoughts were interrupted by a small knock on the door. I looked up seconds later, and recognized one of the women who was here when I first awoke. Her dark skin was a beautiful contrast to a gold skirt and top, with matching arm bracelets.

This time, her hair was out of its plaits, and wavy down her back. Her wings, which I discovered everyone had, were away, but I thought she was stunning.

Apprehensively, she took a step into the room and shut the door behind her. She carried a tray of food and wine. I hated the fact that she, and all the others looked scared of me.

I watched in silence as she set the tray down at the end of the bed. She gave me a curious once-over before turning to leave. I couldn't let her just yet. I needed more answers.

"Wait," I say quietly and she freezes. "Please stay. It's Ala, right?"

At first, her voice was so quiet, I could hardly hear her, but she turned toward me and nodded, as if urging me to go on.

"My name is Aeris," I say, hoping to put her more at ease with that little piece of information. It was all I had.

"I'm not intending to scare you, but can you please help me? I need to speak with Cassian. Anyone, I can't stay here any longer."

She looked to my messy hair, tired eyes and tattered clothes sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," she says, just barely above a whisper. "But I can't just go up to him and demand him to speak with you."

"What about Tespar?" I ask desperately and she winces. Was there something I wasn't understanding?

"He was here a couple of days ago, can't I talk to him?"

Ala gives me another look that I didn't understand before she moves toward the end of the bed to the ottoman. She moves the food to the bed in front of me.

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