The Dark

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"What the F-" Harley says astound, quickly crossing the rest of the room. "What are you doing here, you said you were going home."

"I could ask you the same thing." Peter replies. His tone is light, breathy. Almost laughing. His posture however is tight, his arms folded over each other. Not to mention how he had shuffled closer to Tony the moment Harley opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry. Care to explain what's going on here?" Tony buds in.

"Well, we run some errands together." Harley says vaguely, knowing it'll annoy Tony. "Isn't that right, Pete?"

"Yep. Errands." Peter nods, his face being suspiciously red. For someone who started the idea of fake counselling, he wasn't all too skilled when it came to lying, or even just small excuses. Well, at least he stays interesting.

"The mysterious errands that you never want to say more about? Those concern the both of you?" Tony says aghast. If Harley didn't know better, he'd say he can literally hear the thoughts in his mentor's head, cogs turning.

"Yep." Harley simply answers, seeing as Peter opts to stay silent on this one.

"You don't want to expand on that?"


"Well that's just great." Tony says, loudly smashing his hands together. The man aimlessly walks a few steps before quickly turning back around towards Harley, an accusing finger pointing his direction. "And what about that creepy shi- thing that happened today. Huh? Also not going to talk about that?"

Harley opens his mouth to start talking about it, knowing it's an exciting story to tell and that Tony will freak out over it, but is interrupted by an alarmingly loud voice from the other side of the table that he's standing at.

"Hey Harley what's is this? Mr. Stark said it's yours please enlighten me over this weapon looking thing." The boy practically yells. Harley has to keep a snicker at bay as he moves around the table. Peter truly was obvious in his actions. But if he thought it was best not to talk about it, then he'd respect that.

"Oh!" he exclaims when he sees the object in question. "That's my potato gun."

He turns it over in his hands, trying to see if tony has done anything to it by now. "Wait, didn't you say we would work on it this week with that guy you wanted me to meet? You were talking about Peter weren't you."

"So, no comment about the creepy thing? Sure. Leave me and my heart condition in clueless panic." Tony says, a hand placed over his heart for dramatic effect.

"But to answer your question, yes. I was talking about Pete. You two would get along great. Both little prodigy children who are out there to kill me. You'd be able to do something fun with that murder weapon of yours."

A smile seems to spread over Peter's face at that, completely stealing Harley's attention away from Tony Stark and his potato gun. "Wait so it's an actual weapon? And we're allowed to work on it!!" he yells excitedly.

"Yea darlin'. You want to?" Harley smirks, knowing the answer before the vibrating boy in front of him even opens his mouth.

"Of course! What can I help with?" He says quickly, but gently taking the gun out of Harley's hands.

"I'm currently trying to work on the potato capacity. Y'all potatoes are different than I'm used to so I need to work on the size and see if I can add more into one gun. Oh and there's a trigger delay. You wouldn't know how to get around that, do you?"

A bright smile is directed his way, completely making every cool piece of equipment in the room lose its value. It could never live up to that smile. "In fact I do, Keener." He says before promptly hopping over to one of the drawers with different metals inside.

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