There He Goes

546 23 19

Parkour: Ned !!

GuyInTheChair: Peter !!

Parkour: I messed up.

Parkour: Harley and I were supposed to go on that date

Parkour: But a Spider-Man problem came up and I wasn't able to tell him I couldn't make it.

GuyInTheChair: Just tell him that?

Parkour: oh yes, sure.

Parkour: "hey Harley, sorry I couldn't make it but I was battling a villain with alien technology blasters as Spider-Man.

GuyInTheChair: Okay, I see your point.

GuyInTheChair: Wait, alien tech?

GuyInTheChair: So cool.

Parkour: Bit less cool when they tried to kill me with it.

Parkour: But what do I tell Harley?

Parkour: I still haven't messaged him back and it's been almost a week already.

GuyInTheChair: It was near your apartment, right?

GuyInTheChair: Just tell him it affected your family or smth.

Parkour: Ned, you're a genius! Thnx bro.

GuyInTheChair: You're welcome bro.


"Hey kiddo."

Peter looks up to find Tony Stark standing in the doorway of the Med bay he is currently in. He looks stern, arms crossed over each other and a pointed gaze right directed at Peter. However a slight hint of worry can be detected in his eyes.

"Hey Mr. Stark." Peter haphazardly says as the silence continues to drag on. A bright smile is displayed on his face, although it has difficulty reaching his eyes. He was not the biggest fan of hospitals and the med bay, however he is trying to stay positive.

The smile only broadens at Tony's next words; "You doing good? Ready to ditch this place?" The man asks while taking a seat on the foot-end of the bed. His nose minutely scrunches up in disgust as he looks around before focusing his attention back on Peter. It's a tense moment as Tony scans Peter to detect any signs of him not doing as well as he always claims but comes up empty.

"You bet. A week is enough bed rest. Besides, I have some errands to run."

"An errand huh. It better not be a suit related one." Tony says with that scrutinizing gaze of his, making Peter laugh. Mr. Stark always denies being a helicopter parent, or even just in the position of a fatherly figure to Peter. However at this point even Peter can't deny it anymore. Both just waiting for the other to start the conversation.

"Of course not Mr. Stark. I'll tell you about it sometime, yeah? for now can you please get Dr. Cho to check me out, I'd rather not be late."

A moment of silence hung between them. Peter's attention slowly getting dragged away by the sounds of the wild city life outside, longing to mingle in there again.

"Fine. But take it slow. I don't want to see you out in the suit for the rest of the week."

"Deal! Thank you, Mr. Stark" Peter replies with his standard overly excited grin on his face, and he can see Tony soften a bit more because of it.

"And we're having a lab night Friday. You can stay over if you want." Tony says while making his exit to gather Helen Cho; "I got someone you need to meet anyways." And with that he was gone, leaving Peter in the empty white room that he lately has dubbed 'Hell camouflaged as brightly as heaven.'

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