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3rd pov

Y/n, Harry, Draco and Alex were all asleep on the bed. They each started to wake up one by one. The first on up was Draco then it was Alex then it was y/n and finally Harry. When Harry got up y/n was siting by his side

"Harry? Harry you ok?"

"I saw my dad"


"He sent the dementors away." He put on his glasses and saw a scar on y/n's face where he cut was "y/n your face. What happened?" she looked at him confused. Everyone heard what he said and turned to him. Harry immediately noticed what he said "I- uh not that's not what I-I mean.... I mean your beautiful like always... wait no..... I mean your are..... it's just right now.... not that you aren't right now- I mean.... that scar on your forehead." Harry said trying to find the right words. Y/n was pink to what he said and everyone tuned their backs to hide their laughs.

"1. Thanks hazza and 2. When I was fighting Amelia I got scratched on my face and now have a scar." She started to look down with tears "Harry they are going to preform the dementors kiss any minute" Harry immediately got up

"They are going to kill him?" Hermione then jumped in

"No its worse they are going to suck out his soul" The doors then swung open and they all looked to see the headmaster

"Headmaster you've got to stop them!" Hermione started

"They've got the wrong man" Draco continue

"It's true sir Sirius is innocent" Harry said

"It was Scabbers who did it" Ron yelled

"Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked

"He's my rat sir. He's not really a rat. Uh well he was a rat. He was my brothers Percy's rat. But then they gave him an owl then I got..." y/n cut off Ron

"The point is we know the truth."

"Please sir you got to believe us" Alex said

"I do mr.Jones..." Alex cut him off

"It's black or lupin for me and Amelia"

"When I said we know the truth we ment the whole truth Professor." y/n said Dumbledore looked at her

"Sorry we didn't tell you sooner miss black but like I was staying I do believe you but I'm afraid the words of 5 13-year-old wizards and a 14-year-old wizard will convince few others" He walked towards Ron "A child's voice however honest and true is meaningless..." Ron winced in pain when Dumbledore put a hand on his foot "...To those who have forgotten how to listen. Mysterious thing. Time. Powerful. And when meddle with.... dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the dark tower. You know the law miss black, miss granger, you must not be seen. However one will have to stay with Mr.Weasley for there is to many of you. And you would do well, I feel, to return before this last chime. If not the consequences are too ghazal to discuss, more than one innocent life may be spared. 3 turns should do it, I think." He stated to walked out but turned back around "Oh by the way... when in doubt, i fine retracing my step to be a wise place to begin. Good luck" He left

"What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked. Hermione tuned to y/n

"You guys go he's your family" she grabbed Draco and Alex. She took off her time turner and put it over their necks then over y/n's. Y/n grabbed Harry and put the time turner over his neck. She then turned to Hermione

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" she started connecting their time turners Harry went to touch it but y/n slap his hand away. She finished and gave it to y/n "See you in a bit" y/n smiled. She then turned the time turner and let it spin 3 times. The boys looked around confused. She removed the time turners from their necks and tucked it into her sweater.

My Happiness (Harry x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now