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y/n's pov

We were siting in the great hall, Harry was in between Ron and I, and Draco and Hermione were across from us. We hear parkinson and clearwater.

"Does it hurt terribly, Adrian?" She asked

"It comes and goes. Still I consider myself lucky. According to Madam Pomfrey another minute or two and I could've lost my arm. I couldn't possibly do any homework for weeks" Ron then turns to us

"Listen to this idiot. He's really laying it in thick isn't he?" Harry jumps in

"Yeah, But at least hagrid didn't get fired"

"Yeah but i heard Adrians fathers furious we haven't heard the end of this." Hermione said as we hear Seamus yell

"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" we all look at him and go towards him

"Who?" Ron asked. I think i know who but i hope i'm wrong

"Sirius Black!" We all go to the Daily profit. I walk to see and i see harry place his hand beside me leaning over me to look at the paper.............Ok is it just me or did it get hot in here ?

"Dufftown ?! That's not far from here" Hermione said

"Y-You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts do you?" Neville asked

"With dementors at every entrance?!"

"Dementor! He's already slipped passed then once, hasn't he?" I started to feel uncomfortable "Who is to say he won't do it again? That's right Black could be anywhere. It's like trying to catch smoke with your bear hands" I saw the picture of my dad and then felt eyes on me i look around to see people staring at me.

I quickly ran back to get my bag then ran out of the great hall. I kept running and i don't know where i was going but some how i ended up in the astronomy tower. I leaned against the railing as i look at the sky. I hear foot steps and I see my friends.... Not just Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Ron but also Cedric, Amelia, Cho, Alex, Seamus, Dean, Neville, The twins and ginny

"Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione, Seamus, Neville and Dean told us what happened y/n i'm so sorry" ginny said as the all walk to me

"It's just- I don't know. I've always dreamed of my dad being free so we can be a family again. I just didn't think he'll be out like this. Clearwater said that he might have a dementors kiss and i don't think i want that to happen. People say 'Like father like daughter. I'm going to end up like him or i'll take his spot in the Azkaban cell' and I don't know what to do. Yes he's my dad but i don't know if he's a murderer i don't want to believe it and i don't know if i do..... I just I don't know how to feel about all this i wanted him free so i could see him again but not like this." I say looking down. They were all silent until Cho went to me and grabbed my hands and looks at me.

"Hey so what if people said like father like daughter did you forget you have two fathers and even if you didn't your fathers past doesn't define your future. You get you pick your path to your future. I know you won't end up in an Azkaban cell. And if people don't see that who cares what they think. They just say things because they don't know how it feels. We might not either but we are here for you n/n and we aren't going anywhere. And so what if you have  a hint of Sirius black, Your parents are who make you who you are it's the person you choose to be and how you act. I look at you and i see a beautiful strong kind girl who knows how to stand up for others. Remember last year when you broke Clearwaters broom" I chuckled at the memory and nodded. I felt my eyes water as she brought me into a hug. I hugged her back as a few tears left my eyes. Suddenly we were in a group hug. We stayed like this for a few more minutes until Hermione spoke up

My Happiness (Harry x reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now