Late Night Hangout

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3rd pov

It's been weeks since the fight y/n still wasn't talking to Hermione, Ron, or Harry. She would hang out with the twins, Lee, Ginny, Cedric, Cho, Amelia, Alex, Dean, Seamus and Neville. Draco forgave them because he couldn't handle the awkwardness in the dorms. They had tried to apologize to y/n but she would just wave them off. Harry remember the dementor lesson with y/n's dad his Godfather. He walked to the common room to see y/n sitting there. He remembered he wanted to teach her too. Harry awkwardly approached her

"Uh y/n we uh we have the uh dementor lesson to-" Harry didnt get to finish because y/n had gotten up and walked out. Harry followed behind and caught up with her "y/n?" She stayed quite looking ahead "y/n? Please say something I really miss you" she just stayed quiet "Look I really am sor-" she cut him off

"Harry don't waste your breath I told you sorry won't save you this time"

"Then tell me what would please I need you, you were right I can't be without you please just tell me what I need to do to get you back" she didnt answer as they got to Lupin's office. She open the door and they walked in.

"Ahh y/n Harry you guys came. Now we you guys sure about this?You know this is very advanced magic well beyond the ordinary wizarding level" He asked the 2. They nodded. Harry felt a little bit awkward knowing that he is his Godfather. He showed them the boggart saying that's was their way. Because y/n's boggarts isn't a dementor harry had to stand in front of her. That was the closest they had been since the fight.

On their first trying harry thought about riding his broom. That memory didn't work and he fainted. Y/n thought about when she became a witch but it wasn't the happiest because she had fainted too.

"Curious what memory did you guys choose"Remus asked

"When i first rode a broom" Harry said


"When i became a witch"

"Well those memories aren't strong enough"

On this try Harry just thought of his parents he was able to make a shield and so was y/n after thinking about the happy times she had with her friends and Draco. Lupin dismissed them but y/n wanted to talk to him so harry waiting outside for her.

"Dad harry knows now. He found out when he snuck to hogsmade. Don't get him in trouble please i just thought you should know about him knowing your his godfather"

"Thank you y/n i won't say anything" she nodded then left. She walked out and saw harry

"You didn't have to wait you know"

"Yea but i wanted to" They walked back to the common room in silence until harry broke it. He thought of an idea to apologize.

"Y/n let's go" He grabbed her hand and before she could protest. Harry started to run. He kept running until. They got to the astronomy tower. He waved his wand and a blanket showed on the ground with candles and y/n's favorites food. He played a little soft music in the background. He had a silent charm cast so he could play the music. Y/n looked at him. Before she could say anything he started to speak while holding both of her hands in his

"Y/n I know you might still be mad and might want more but i really am sorry and i thought of doing this right now. You were right I can't be without you. You mean everything to me and i know what I said was hurtful and i shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have put the blame on you. I should have talked to you and i didn't. I missed you so much more than you know y/n. Your funny, nice, brave, sassy, and beautiful i need you. I felt empty without you these days. I miss our hugs. I miss hanging out with you. I miss waking up knowing you are probably up waiting for me Ron and draco. I miss you randomly saying things. I miss grabbing and holding your hand. I miss being able to cuddle you when your not feeling good. I miss teasing you and you teasing back. I miss being able to pick to you up and carry you or drag you somewhere because your being stubborn. I miss laughing with you. I miss seeing you smile. I miss everything y/n. I am so so so so so sorry. I'll do anything to get you back.......please forgive me."

My Happiness (Harry x reader) Book 3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora