Another full moon

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3rd pov

The next day Y/n woke up in Harry's arms. She remembered the night. She looked around and saw the blanket still on the ground with food. After a few minutes Harry started getting up.

"Good morning hazza"

"Morning n/n"

"Thank you for last night"

"I owed you it" She smiled and they started getting up. They went to back to the common room and saw Draco, Ron, and Hermione. Y/n ended up forgiving them all. They all started walking.

"Uh guys me and draco will meet you back up there ok." They all nodded and y/n pull draco back and made sure no one was around

"Draco today is the full moon and I'm planing about helping my dad. I'm telling you because you are the only one who know about it"

"Ok but what time would you end"

"I don't know we are going around 9 and i just i'll be ending around 12"

"I'll waiting for you in the front ok just in case something happens i want to help ok"


~~~~~ Time skipped ~~~~~

Later that night Draco made sure everyone in his dorm was asleep and met y/n in the common room. Y/n made sure that Ginny and Hermione were asleep and went down. They had told Remus what they were doing and he knew he couldn't stop them knowing how stubborn they could be. Y/n and Draco met at 8:25.

"Let's go" Y/n told Draco

They left. They made it to the front.

"Ok i'll wait by here and make sure no one will see me. Ill see you in a bit and n/n please be careful"

"I will dray"

Y/n made it to the forest where she saw her dad

"Hi dad"

"Y/n I really don't want-"

"I'm stubborn and i'm going to help, you can't make me not help"

"I just-"

"It's ok draco is there he said he'll take care of my if i get hurt or anything. Dad we are a team and will always be so if i say i'll help I'm going to help"


After some time y/n turned into her Animagus which was a black wolf. She saw her dad turn. Once he was a werewolf he began to charge at y/n she was able to fight him off but got cut on her arm. After some time it was time for her to go.

She started to leave when another werewolf attack her out of nowhere. The werewolf was stronger. Y/n got cut on her stomach as she howled in pain. She then saw another wolf tackled the werewolf on her she looked and it looked like hers except in brown. Y/n noticed she was bleeding so she quickly left but was still wondering who the others were. She got to draco and turn back into herself

"Draco....?" Y/n said weakly

"Y/n omg ok hold on i got you" He carried her to the hospital wing and got the Dittany carried her to moaning Myrtle's bath room.

"This may sting" He put some on y/n's cuts as she hissed in pain. "It's ok ok just listen to my voice you'll be ok." He kept talking to her to calm her as he put the Dittany on her cuts. After he wrapped them

"I thought you know what you were doing. I didn't know your dad would do this"

"That's the thing Draco it wasn't my dad. There was another werewolf that did this to me and another Animagus that had the same form as me but in brown that saved me"

"Who were they"

"I don't know"

They made it back to the common room. Draco was able to make it to bed since they were sound asleep but what y/n didn't know was that Hermione was wake. Hermione didn't do or say a thing she just pretended she was asleep and watched and hear y/n hissed when she laid in bed then fell asleep.


shortest chapter I've ever done but it's important. who do you think the other 2 were?

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