"Oh, good!" You looked out of the tall windows. "We should go to sleep."

"I call bathroom first!" Bennett sprinted to the bathroom at the opposite hallway.

"Doesn't he know there's two bathrooms?" Ganyu asked.

"I guess not." You shrugged. You let everyone else use the bathrooms, to shower and brush their teeth, before you went. You changed into some basketball shorts you found, and a tank top, then you returned to your room. "So what now..."

"Bennett and Razor are lucky.. they got the only room with two beds."

"Then we'll just share this one." You took the covers off, and got in.


"Can you give me my backp-" You saw him glare at you. "I know you told me not to, but I can't help it, and I also wanna write for my sister."

"Fine." He grabbed your backpack and opened it, taking out the book you were reading earlier, and your notebook. He handed them to you, and stood there awkwardly as you slanted the pillow against the wall so you could sit up a bit.

"Are you gonna lay down???"

"Yeah.." He got into the covers. You read through the next few chapters, but noticed something was watching you.

"Are you reading it??"

"N-no." He turned to face the other side of the room. You laughed.

"Help me read it."

"Okay." He turned back around, and sat up right next to you. You scooted closer to him, to that the two of you could share the book. "Oh look." He pointed at a paragraph. "The founders of Aurelia and Uruni were on the same voyage crew."

"So that's why Ureni is named after it. But why are they here then.."

"I don't know flip through."

"Right." You passed a couple of pages, scanning everything for any clues. "Here."

"Oh what is it?" Xiao sat up.

"Uruni was in dire need of ally help during the 1794 war between them and Intercia." Xiao listened attentively.

"Okay then what??"

"Aurelia didn't send any forces over. They wanted no role in the war."

"So what?? Uruni summoned magical water spirits to flood us??"

"Okay well obviously not Xiao." You stared at the same paragraph. "I just wonder what the hell happened, and if they did have something to do with this, why did they wait so long..."

"... I'm not sure." He took the book from you, and shut it, placing it on the bedside table. "Write to Fischl."

"Okayyy..." You grabbed your notebook and the pen, and wrote something to her. You didn't write as detailed, or as much as you wanted to because Xiao was watching.

"You didn't write as much as you usually do?"

"Um yeah."

"Oh okay." He turned around to face the rest of the room again, and you finished writing. "Finished?"


"I'll put it on the table." You gave him the notebook and the pen, then he placed them on the bedside table, and turned off the lamp. "Guess we can't do anything about the windows."

"Well you could close the curtain."

"The bed's too comfy." Xiao said.

"Fine then." You faced away from Xiao and tried to fall asleep. Not realizing it, the two of you moved around in your sleep a lot. "Oof- man what the fuck??" You sat up after Xiao woke you up with his gigantic hand basically being slapped down onto your face.

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