I ride to the palace, waving at the citizens who've missed their king in his absence. Some congratulate me while others sneer. I suppose you cannot please everyone. I storm into one of the many living rooms, embracing the warmth from the large fire pit in the center of the room. My brother is lounging with his friends, and smashes a glass on the floor when he sees me.

"Ah, Brother! Have you and Lady Ayca finally returned home?"

"Home..." I say under my breath to myself. "I do not wish to stay long, Thor." I say, inviting in his presence. 

"What do you mean? You just got here. Where is Lady Ayca, anyway?" He asks, looking past me for the woman that's not here.

"I came alone."

"That's a shame, I would have liked to see her." Sif wines.

"In time, I'm sure you will." I say to her, then return my gaze to my brother standing before me. "Brother, might I have a word?"

"Certainly!" He says, patting me on both my shoulders. Even after all these years it still knocks me around a little.

We step out into the hallway, walking a ways down to have our privacy. 

"What troubles you, brother?"

"I cannot take the throne." I say plainly. His face falls in confusion, and he stares blankly at me.

"But it's all you've wanted, I do not understand."

"I wanted a place to belong, not just a throne. For a long while, it was my only option. Thor, you need to assume the position of king. I'm... not the right man."

"But," He begins, laughing at my seriousness, "You're perfect for the throne!"

"Am I?" I ask him doubtfully. "You are too righteous, I'll admit, but you fill these halls with something I cannot. You bring life to Asgard, while I will always only bring chaos. Don't you see?"

"But Loki, that's just who you are! You can be more if you tried."

"I don't want to try."

His face becomes once again serious, and he pats my shoulder. He takes a sigh, nodding his head. "This is about Lady Ayca, isn't it?"

"She wants to stay on Midgard. I cannot thrive at all of she isn't happy. Please understand that it's better for me to stay on Midgard with..."

"With the love of your life. I understand, brother. And I will assume the throne, for Asgard... and for you."

"Thank you." I say, relieved. The sooner we go through the ceremony of handing over the crown, the sooner I can return to Ayca.



"Embrace me, brother!" He says, opening his arms and closing the gap between us.

"No." I protest, holding my hands out as a barricade. He pushes them aside and hugs me, and I let my arms go limp at my sides. He stands there a moment, and I assume he won't let go until I've returned the stupid hug. 

I slowly raise my arms to his shoulders, and his booming laugh makes it impossible not to smile. He pulls away and announces to his friends to follow him immediately. "My brother must get back to his wife, so hurry now and follow me. I am to become king, my friends!"

I roll my eyes, following close behind them.

-------AYCA'S POV-------

I have no idea how long I've laid in the rain. It feels like an eternity. Loki wouldn't leave me, and I feel foolish for thinking so. But he's making it hard to trust him. Even now, after everything we've been through, I'm still questioning him. That's what I get for falling in love with the god of mischief. 

I start singing softly to focus my mind on something else. "Out across the endless sea..." I begin, "I would die in ecstasy. But I'll be a bag of bones, driving down the road alone." I keep singing, not noticing the company I've acquired on the rooftop. "My heart is drenched in wine. You'll be on my mind... forever..."

I feel a hand gently tap mine, an index finger resting against my pinky finger. I turn my head to see Loki laying next to me, watching me sing. 

"I had no idea you had such a lovely voice, my love." He compliments me.

"I was afraid you left." I admit, hiding my tears behind the rain falling on my face.

"Only to return to Asgard temporarily."

"Are you going back home again soon?" I ask, afraid of what his response might be. He chuckles at me, then props himself up on his elbow and cups my cheek in his hand. He rubs his thumb over my lips, hopelessly trying to dry them. He plants a gentle kiss on them, sending electricity through me.

"I am home."

I sit up suddenly, throwing my arms around his neck. "You mean you're staying here with me?" I ask excitedly. I can't believe I got him to stay with me. He laughs at my excitement, kissing my cheek as he takes in a deep breath.

"As long as we spend most of our time dry and out of the rain?"

"I'll make sure during every rain storm that I lock us outside." I promise him, smiling from ear to ear.

"Then I guess I'll just ask you to dance." He says, picking himself up and offering me a hand. He takes my waist and we start to slow dance in the rain. "Could you keep singing that song? I quite liked it."

I kiss him, then start singing 'Don't Know Why' by Norah Jones from the beginning.

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