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Third pov !
Why Don't We household


"SO WHEN ARE they coming?" Corbyn asked as he jumped on the kitchen counter.

Jonah and Jack shrugged.

"No idea, but Kelsey sent me a text that it wouldn't take long." Jonah let out, referring to the text from like an half hour ago.

Jack groaned quietly.

"Why are we doing this excatly?"

"Because it's fun." Corbyn smiled. "And because we wanna give Daniel some more time with Dallas." Jonah nodded, snapping his finger in Corbyn's direction.

"Corbyn is right, you can just see his googly eyes when he is around her from afar."

"Who has googly eyes?" Zach showed up in the kitchen while he put on a new shirt. His friends looked at each other for a few seconds.


Zach chuckled.

"Who saw that coming?" He let out jokingly.

"Well Dallas is one hell of a lucky lady." Corbyn joked along.

"I guess she's not that annoying." Jack shrugged as he grabbed himself a drink. Jonah nudged him. "What? She's better than Sam."

"Oh she's all yours buddy." Zach chuckled, patting Jack on the back who rolled his eyes.

"No thanks, we don't even have anything in common."

Jonah shrugged. "Maybe that will come. I didn't expect to get along with Kelsey."

"Or I with London." Corbyn joined in with a shrug as well.

"Well anyways-"

"Guys!" Daniel's voice came from the living room. "They're gonna be here in ten!"

"Alright," Corbyn jumped off the counter. "I'm gonna go check on him. That dude sounds like he's stressing out."

Jonah laughed.

"That he finally got out of the bathroom though. He's worse than Zach."

"Well I don't see the point in making effort for those girls." Zach rolled his eyes slightly. "What are we gonna do anyways?"

"I don't know," Corbyn let out simply. "something fun, like playing games or watching movies." He smiled, leaving to go to Daniel.

"Sneaking off when they're not paying attention." Jack mumbled, nudging Zach who chuckled. They both earned a smack on the back of their heads.

"Yeah— no, not gonna happen. It's just one night, you'll survive." Jonah stated, the two boys carressing the spot where the older one hit them. Zach and Jack rolled their eyes. "Now come on help me clean up this kitchen a bit, it's a mess." He picked up two shirts from a chair, Jack sighing but doing as told since he really didn't like it when it was messy in the house.

After a few minutes, Zach groaned.

"Fine, I'll help too. But the girls better stay out of my room." Jack rolled his eyes, emptying the dishwasher.

"Who even wants to be in that room?"


"We're here." London smiled when she got out of the car, Sam following her.

𝑩𝑹𝑶𝑲𝑬𝑵 𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑬𝑳𝑺 ♫︎ wdwOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant