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Third pov !
two hours later, bowling


"PAY UP BESSON" London smiled, holding her hand out to Corbyn when the last round was finished.

Sam jumped up excitedly since she won and stuck her tongue out at Jack who wasn't having any of it. She gave Rose a highfive, the brunette feeling a glare being sent to her from no other than Zach Herron.

The two brunettes had been supporting their best friends through the few rounds by being their own personal 'cheerleaders'.

It started off by Rose clapping for Sam and Zach letting out a 'WOOOEEE GO JACK, take that suckers!'. Then, it turned in a real competition.

One between Sam and Jack, one between Zach and Rose.

And they all took it very seriously.

Too seriously.

"What? No!" Corbyn exclaimed. "Daniel distracted him!" London raised an eyebrow and turned to look at the fake blond who had been talking to Dallas- and only her- for at least an hour.

"How? He's so caught up with Dallas, I don't even think he knows what's going on around him!" She laughed, even she knew Daniel had a small crush on her bubbly friend.

"Well-" Corbyn tried to think of a good comeback or explanation- but nothing. He eventually groaned "fine." He went to grab the twenty bucks he owed her, but London stopped him.

"Wait," She let out. "I was just kidding. You can keep your money." London reassured him with a smile, earning a confused look from him.

"You sure?" He raised an eyebrow, holding the money out for her. "Because you won the bet, fair and square."

"Yeah, I'm sure. But maybe you can use it to cheer your friends up." She tilted her head to an annoyed Jack who had his arms crossed, and a pissed off Zach who was just seconds away from arguing with Rose.

Corbyn chuckled.

"Good idea. But uh," He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "I still do owe you though. So you can count on something later from me." Corbyn smiled before moving over to his friends.

It made London smile a little. She never really felt the urge to talk to boys, none of the girls did. But she actually met one who was quite nice and seemed- genuine? It had been a long time since she had come across a guy like that, but it felt nice.

Maybe this collab really was a good idea.

London went to find Kelsey, passing Dallas and Daniel on one of the two couches they had. She smiled softly at them, Dallas sending her one back with a little wave.

"I actually love this." Daniel smiled to Dallas. "Good choice, Dally."

"Thank you." She smiled widely. "But I hope Sam isn't being a little too competitive. She really likes to win."

Daniel laughed, gazing over at the blonde who was actually smiling as she stared at her score.

It was the highest one, and she was absolutely proud of it.

"Don't worry," Daniel shrugged. "it's cool to see another side of her instead of the annoyed one the boys and I always see in the studio."

"Well, I don't think Jack is liking either of her sides." Dallas chuckled softly, accidently making eyeconact with an annoyed Jack while Zach was trying to make clear that Sam had obviously cheated and Corbyn was starting to walk off again since he already got tired of listening to it.

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