Chapter 17

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"AHH!" Rebekah shrieked,

"Finally he asked you," Helene said, she held her hands up, praising Narcissa on her news.

"I was so worried about him, I couldn't bear the thought of losing him," Narcissa told them, Rebekah nodded understandingly, she felt the same way about Theodore.

Narcissa and Rebekah finally got their perfect, Helene loved that they could finally have their Hen Party. Spend one great final night before they signed their life away to men, Helene was determined to make it a night they'll never forget.

"Here's some bubbly to get the party going," Helene poured Rebekah and Narcissa each a glass of champagne, Helene took a sip of wine before standing on the table.

"I'd like to make a toast, to the women who managed to tie down two of the most obnoxious men I know, may your lives as Mrs Nott and Mrs Malfoy, be enchanting, much like how you enchanted them," she made them giggle, "I love you girls so much, I hope you have everything you want and more, Cheers," they all clinked their glasses together.

After almost an hour of trying to convince Narcissa and Rebekah to enjoy their night, they finally agreed. All three of the young ladies, dressed in dresses a little too inappropriate for a formal ball. Rebekah curled Narcissa's hair for her.

Narcissa bent forward running her fingers through her hair, loosening her curls into lightless waves. Helene walked towards the door as though she were strutting along a catwalk, and Narcissa and Rebekah were her entourage. Accompanying her on a girls night out, however, that wasn't the case.

"Anyone would have thought this was Lene's special night," Rebekah said, as Helene was receiving a lap dance from a very handsome wizard indeed.

"Well she did steal my veil for him to pick her," Narcissa commented, causing Rebekah to laugh in Helene's direction, then her smile fell.

"She's going to be alright, isn't she?" Rebekah asked

"Of course, when have you ever known Helene, not to be," Narcissa responded, Rebekah nodded in agreement but Narcissa wasn't entirely sure.

Helene cared deeply for Theodore Burke, Narcissa didn't know how she was coping with not being able to see him anymore. Only she knew Burke too well to know he wouldn't fight for what he believed was right, and according to him, that was with the Order of the Phoenix.

***10 months later***

The day had finally arrived the day Narcissa had been dreaming of her wedding day. Druella had banned Bellatrix from attending the wedding, as her status as a Death Eater had been made public and she didn't want that to take all the attention away from Narcissa's day.

Helene and Rebekah, now Rebekah Nott, were busy having their hair and makeup done. Narcissa stood looking in the mirror she was putting her wedding dress on alone to surprise, Rebekah and Helene. Once she placed her veil on, the reality had settled in, in just an hour she wasn't going to become Mrs Narcissa Malfoy.

She hurried out of the room, bypassing Helene, Rebekah and her mother who all admired, she lifted the dress so she could walk faster. She stopped outside a door, she could hear, Lucius and Theodore's laughter coming from the otherside, Nar knocked on the door, she listened carefully for the footsteps.

"Don't open the door, I'm wearing my wedding dress," she told them

"Are you alright, Cissa?"

"Yeah, I just," she took a deep breath, "I just need you to tell me we're going to be okay,"

"Narcissa we're going to fine. You and me can do anything we set our minds to-

"That's not what I mean, with everything going on, I need to know that we have a future,"

"We can have any future you want," she smiled,

"I feel a little better," she said, "I'll see you in a minute,"

Narcissa went back to the room where everyone was getting dressed, her father waited for her at the top of the stair. Narcissa took one last look at herself, this was it the moment she had been waiting for, as she walked to her father he offered his arm for her.

Narcissa smiled as she walked down the aisle seeing Lucius not turning his head though Theodore seemed to be tormenting him into turning around. He wouldn't Lucius wanted to savour the moment, the girl he had loved since their second year of Hogwarts was just moments away from becoming his wife.

Lucius felt Narcissa hand slip into his, entwining their fingers together, his smile only grow brighter as he gazed at the beauty that stood before him. Cygnus kissed his daughter's cheek, turning to sit with his wife, Lucius squeezed her hand to reassure her of their future.

"Do you, Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, take Narcissa Black to be your wedded wife, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love her faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I do," he said proudly,

"Do you, Narcissa Black, take Lucius Abraxas Malfoy to be your wedded husband, to cherish in love and in friendship, in strength and in weakness, in success and in disappointment, to love him faithfully, today, tomorrow, and for as long as the two of you shall live?"

"I do," she said, smiling brightly at him.

"By the power of entrusted in me by the British Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss your bride,"

Lucius cupped her face, pressing his lips against hers, cheers from Helene and Theodore filled the room. At last, time had a come, a beginning to a new era in their lives as Mr and Mrs Malfoy. 

It Started With a Dance | 𝘕𝘢𝘳𝘤𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘢 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin