♞ Chapter 6 ♞

Start from the beginning

"Well I say if that is the kind of people you come from...." He never finished that sentence as Harley plowed the kid over and sat on him, leaning over to put his face in Everett's.

"You listen to me you sorry piece of trash, that little girl and her momma ain't no whores. if I ever hear tell that you even so much as looked in her direction again, let alone talk to her, I will rip your ears off.  so that way you can't hear and repeat such filth, and shove then down your throat. Ya hear?"

The scared little boy nodded his head vigorously in agreement. Harley patted his cheek with a smile but with more force than normal,  leaving his cheek red. "Good, now you tell whoever it may concern that Myley is under Hutch's protection and me or my brother Kevin, here will be happy to step up if anyone messes with her."

            Harley stood and looked back at a very shocked Myley, shaking his head at how innocent and naïve this girl was, Harley took her hand and led her over towards Kevin. "Myley, you can't let someone stand there and insult you like that sweetheart. You have to stand up for yourself."

Myley looked to Kevin and then back to Harley, "But, I had no idea he was, Harley" She whined.

Kevin snickered and Harley could not hold back his own smirk. "I know you didn't little Filly." The boys both laughed and wrapping her little hands in theirs walked her away from the other kids.

From that day, Kevin or Harley tried to be with Myley at all times. They had lost some mighty pretty girls too, when they kicked up a fuss about the tag along.
Neither he nor Kevin was going have that. They told the girls to either deal with it or hit the road, some chose to hit the road but they never regretted it. Myley did not have anyone but them to look after her and they were happy to do it.

            Harley's thoughts came back to the present as his horse stumbled over a rock and when he looked around him realized how dangerous it had been for him to lose himself out here with a crazy shooter on the loose.
He remembered how his and Kevin's protectiveness over her had caused her some mighty bad times, as they got older. She had been pegged as the Hutch brothers' whore for a while, until he and Kevin had beat up a few boys, and then everyone was too scared to say it out loud, even if they did think it. Harley guessed he had staked his claim on Myley the day she came to them he just never realized it.
Maybe Kevin saw it and that is why he always helped to watch over her, although to them, she was like their sister.
Harley never looked at her that way, he always saw a small, helpless, pretty girl who made an easy target or a desired one.

He had taught her how to ride, how to take care of the horse after she was finished with it and then he and Kevin had taught her all about ranch life. His dad, Luke, had spent a lot of time with her too just as he did his boys when she wasn't in the house helping out her momma and Mrs. B. had took them all under her wing and treated them the same as she did Myley.

           Harley pulled his mind back the present when he saw Mr.Jenson riding to meet him across the man's pastures. "Harley, nice to see you come back home boy." Mr. Jenson said as he got closer, stopping his horse beside Legend to shake Harley's hand. "Well, thanks Mr. Jenson it's good to be home but you might not be so happy to see me when you hear why I rode over."

Mr. Jenson dropped his head a minute in silence and then spoke without looking up. "I reckon I already know why you're here. It seems Colt up and took off when word reached us you were back home."

Harley sat quietly watching and listening before he spoke, "Yea, and just why would he do that?"
Harley asked in a lazy drawl that almost sounded disinterested to anyone who did not know him.

Mr. Jenson knew better. "Oh, I guess for the reason you probably came over to see him.he told me about taking that little Myley out on a date. He admitted to getting carried away with her and scaring her. Said she took off out of the truck like a firecracker after she gave him a busted lip of course." The last part Mr. Jenson laughed at as he looked up at Harley. "Seems that little thing ain't as helpless as my son thought she would be. Harley I may be the boy's father but I ain't blind, I threatened to kick his sorry ass myself when he told me. Kinda figured it was worse than the telling of it and that boy knew when he heard you was back in town it was just a matter of time before you come looking for your pound of hide. Everyone in this town knows who that little girl belongs to."

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