"There's other people." Xiao whispered. You looked at where he pointed and saw others journeying along the highway as well.

"God... do we all look like fucking zombies???" You asked.

"I don't know but they looked roughed up..."

"We don't wanna get involved, well stay on this side of the highway, and keep our pace." Xiao nodded. Ningguang and Ganyu were behind you guys, and now Razor and Bennett were in the back.

"Razor?" Bennett whispered. Razor looked at Bennett. "Can we talk about something?" Razor nodded. "What are we?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well.. I told you I loved you back and it's been two days.. without any mention of it.."

"Um.. maybe now isn't a good time?"

"Oh... did I do something?" Razor shook his head.

"No. I wanna wait for a better time." Razor said. Bennett gave him a small smile.

"Can I...? Can I still h-hold your hand?" Bennett asked. Razor nodded, and intertwined his fingers with Bennett's. The white haired boy felt calmer.

"They seem to be getting along fine." Ganyu said, glancing back at Razor and Bennett who were both red as hell.

"Hm. Adorable." Ningguang took a sip of water. "Y/n?" She called out.


"How long until we reach Ureni?"

"I think we'll get there around three or four in the morning considering it's probably ten right now." You said.

"Dear lord..." Ganyu sighed.

"It's alright guys don't worry. We'll make it soon." You said. The other group of people in front of you seemed to not care at all about your presence.

"Y/n I'm tired." Xiao said.

"I wanna get there on time. I'm sorry. Do you want me to carry you instead???" He laughed.


"I'll try and carry you if you want that badly." You said, and smiled at him.

"No thanks.. I'm heavier than I look."

"Alright then. Your loss." He was seriously considering actually letting you carry him. The group in front had sat down to rest for the night but the six of you kept going. You walked hours in silence. Until finally, the end of the highway could be seen, and the first few skyscrapers already seemed to tower over you.

"We've made it! And it doesn't look like it's flooded!"

"No. It's definitely flooded. Ureni goes down in the center near the statues of the three gods." You said.

"Oh man..."

"Some of the buildings have fallen though." You pointed at rubble. "I wouldn't assume that the buildings are completely dry on the inside either."

"Man.." Bennett said and scratched his neck.

"Wow you know a lot of stuff Y/n!" Ganyu exclaimed.

"I don't actually, I just kind of assume a lot of things. The buildings could be tip top shape on the inside for all I know.."

"Well I'll still think you know lots of stuff."

"Hmm. Okay. Let's go into that building, seems to be an apartment complex." You said. They nodded and followed you inside the sixty story tall building.

Sinking Aurelia (Xiao X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now