A new student

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When I first stepped foot at the Trinity Academy, my jaw had almost dropped, the place was huge. Different students were walking here and there. A group of jocks with dragon wings flew past me, knocking me over "Hey, watch where you going, you are in the way" I clenched my fists in a fit of anger, yet decided not to act out. After being homeschooled for so long, I didn't want to ruin it all right on the first day.

I noticed a group of three students who looked rather human, compared to the majority of other students brush by, talking enthusiastically about something. My eyes caught a girl with dark auburn hair and light eyes "Cora, where are you going?" another girl with fluffy white hair called out, stopping in the middle of the hallway next to her other friend who had intense violet eyes. "I forgot something in the classroom, so you guys go ahead without me, I'll catch up later". My legs moved on my own, I just wanted to follow her, so I did just that, moving through the corridors, avoiding to collide with other students.

The girl had entered into an empty classroom and immediately began looking for something, I just stood in a door frame for a few minutes before speaking up "Uhm, hey" It seemingly startled the girl, but she soon calmed down probably seeing that I was of no threat to her. "Oh, hey, can I help you?" She then threw me a wary glance "Yeah, actually I'm new here and got a little lost" I lied "So I was wondering if you could show me to a principal's office to make me a student card" Cora finally pulled something from under the desk, putting it inside her uniform "Sure, but do you have a name? new student" She smiled, she had a nice smile. 

"Owen, Owen Viper" I stated, feeling quite nervous "Nice to meet you Owen, I'm Cora Millburn" she then approached me, extending her hand, which I hesitantly grabbed absorbing the info about her "Follow me, I'll lead the way" She then softly grabbed me by the hand leading towards the main office. I haven't yet learned who exactly was this girl, but from the way no one stood in our way as she passed, you could count me as impressed and intrigued.

"Come in" we heard from behind the closed door, after Cora knocked "Director Orion, good morning, I have brought the new student Owen Viper, to do his student card" The big chair turned around, revealing an elderly man who was sitting behind the oak table "Oh great, just on time, we shall start"

Ophiuchus ⇒ Owen Viper

Age: 17 (1st December)
Height: 181 (5'11'')
Likes: Snakes, analyzing, being surrounded by people
Dislikes: Secretiveness
Hobbies: Observing, solving puzzles, teatre
Best Friends: No information
Hates: No information
Relationship: Single (Sexuality: no information)
Power: Imitation
Control: Full control

Age: 17 (1st December)Height: 181 (5'11'')Likes: Snakes, analyzing, being surrounded by peopleDislikes: SecretivenessHobbies: Observing, solving puzzles, teatreBest Friends: No informationHates: No informationRelationship: Single (Sexuality: no in...

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I saw Cora peeking from behind, curious to see my profile, probably the ability part, however in stead of asking me of it after we left, she only let me towards the courtyard, saying I had to meet the others, since we all will be studying together soon enough.


The classes of the first half of the day have ended, so Lucas, Caden, Pam, Lily and I were heading towards our spot, next to the windows by the courtyard. Lucas was walking by one side of Pamella, while I stood by the other, trying to move her focus on me, but to no avail. Lately I just can't help but to be mad at Lu. He is my best friend, and definitely knows I like Pam, yet he keeps flirting with her nonetheless. He doesn't even likes her like that, he hasn't shown interest in anyone for a long time. I as his closest friend would know if he did.

But the red haired girl seemed to be fully engaged into a conversation with that blond dork, only occasionally answering to my questions and smiling briefly, before turning back to Lucas. I compose a strong urge to punch him. "Hey, Pam" I decided to try one last time, before finally giving up "Huh?" She turned her head to me, making me instantly feel quite nervous. Her eyes stared me down, not on purpose, of course, but that intense green color had such effect on me. When I realized it has already been a few seconds I called her, when I was about to ask her the question, I forgot. And the only thing that came to my mind was.

"You-you havereallycoolandbeautifuleyes, you know" 'Wait what? what words did just leave my mouth?' I could hear Caden and Lucas break out in an uncontrollable fit of laughter which died down soon enough when Lili forcefully shut them up. However in stead of making fun of me, like the guys did, Pamella only smiled shyly, tucking a few strands of her fiery locks covering her eyes behind her ear. "You think so?" After I silently nodded, her smile grew brighter "Well, thank you, I like yours too" after that she turned her gaze forward, continuing walking, but the smile never left her face.

I however, turned my head the opposite way, to hide the blush, creeping up to my face. To quickly mask it all of I turned to Caden, deciding to ask him something. But when I did, I saw something very intriguing, so I nudged Leitham with my elbow. "Hey, Den, look who's over there" I said motioning over a couple of teens leaving the classroom holding hands, one of whom was no one other than Cora, accompanied by an unknown male. They then turned the corner, disappearing from our eyes "Looks like someone have found another toy to fuck around with, right?"

I searched my friend's face for any kind of reaction, yet he was too difficult to read. While Caden himself refrained from any type of comments, only following the girl with his eyes as she left. His girlfriend Lilian, decided to add fuel to the fire "Well, of course she did, what else would you expect from here, right babe?" She hang onto Caden's shoulder, which against her anticipation and to my amusement had caused zero reaction "Whatever, why would you even bother caring about her private life? let's just go" Leitham said nonchalantly.

I only shrugged, since I new, once the new couple will get here, the drama will unfold. 'Heh, at least some entertainment for today'.

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