Lunch time

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'Great, another student', I though to myself, as I sat at the table by Thea's side, as she talked with Gea and Ginny. In between rare questions asked by the girls, I dedicated myself to observing. It's not that I did not want to be there, the girls were really nice, but I'd rather be alone or at least do some graffiti. Lunch was a perfect time to observe and analyze everyone, since people were seated and all communicating, while I had time to spear I drew a schematic sitting plan.

Since we sat at the very middle I could take a good look at each table, at the top right sat werewolves, they were simply the first ones to get here, and claimed their place

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Since we sat at the very middle I could take a good look at each table, at the top right sat werewolves, they were simply the first ones to get here, and claimed their place. At the opposite corner Nymphs sat, and it was, no explanation needed the main factor in choosing place for the "death quad", containing Aaron, Lucas and Caden with his girlfriend (I presume they still stayed, despite Lila's protests). Oh, and I see the new girl, Pamella joined them. By the two sides of us, fairies and human-dragons sat, they were really chill, so I did not mind. Behind, sit wizards and witches, others did not really like them, but they were the closest we had to humans and zodiacs like us and they didn't like blood, like our friends vamps, who sat beside them.

And the last table, were the chill ones, Cora, Alex and Camille, well, chill is a strong word, but I call them that, because all the other magicas are on really good terms with them. Just like now, I saw one of the dragons approach Cora and pull her into a tight hug, I slightly tightened my grip on the fork I was holding, after realizing I have been staring too much at the group, good think no one caught me staring. Going back, why are we in the center? It's simple, This way all the girls are satisfied, Virginia was able to stare at her unrequited love, Caden, Despite being best friends with him for ages he seemed to be oblivious to her feelings, he was the only one, and last year he began dating Lila.

And Gea still had a clear view at Camille, who now was being cheered up by Alex at their table. I was slowly coming back into the reality and could hear the dialogue between the girls, as they asked me another question "Hey, do you like anyone?" It was Ginny "Huh? no not really" I threw a light glance at the group where Alex and others were sitting "Quit lying, you must like someone" she gave me a wicked smile "Stop pressing him and act like you did not just sit here to stare at Caden" Gea teased, 'thank you' I though to myself "Yes, but you are not the one to talk, everybody here knows you have been devouring Camille with your eyes, not only now, it's been several years" right as these words left Ginny's mouth, Gea's face turned a slight shade of pink, and I could feel Thea grabbing onto my hand.

I knew she liked Miller since forever, and she was the main reason why we sat with them today "We can go if you want" I quietly said "Yes please" and excusing ourselves we left the dining hall, walking towards the greenhouse.


After the welcoming ceremony

Feeling anxious I went down the corridor with my books repeating the required directions I was given by the headmaster, since my sense of them was utterly horrible. I was about to turn the corner, as I was approached by two guys, supposedly from my grade, the first one strangely had the same hair color as i did, and another guy was one of the most handsome people I have ever seen. "Hey, you are new, right?" the blonde one said "We are Lucas and Aaron, what's your name" my twin continued "Oh, I'm Pamella, nice to meet you guys" "By the way, since you are new here, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us at lunch" Aaron said throwing me his smile "Sure" I smiled back "Is Lucas coming as well?" I asked, looking at the blondie "Ye, sure, we are all friends" And after that, they showed me the way to the classes, accompanying me till it was the lunch time. 

Upon entering the room, I was overwhelmed by the vast amount of creatures there, from Vampires to fairies, for someone who lived in the human world up to this moment it was a complete shocker. Guys led me to the table where another guy with dark hair and intense eyes sat, a beautiful blond girl by his side. "Hi, I'm Pamella, it's nice to meet you guys" I got greeted by everyone and sat between Lucas and Lilian, Aaron and Caden facing me. Unfortunately I was sitting my back to everyone else at the cafeteria, so I was unable to take a good look at them.

Lila turned to me, smiling and said "Finally, another girl, I though I would go absolutely crazy here, no one to talk to about the girl stuff", she was interrupted by Caden "Then why didn't you talk to other girls in here? As far as I can see there are plenty" "Babe, stop, you know I would not leave you" I don't think that was what he meant, but are these two dating or something? That was kind of weird. Yet I decided to ignore it and continued "Well yes, you can talk with me about whatever" Lili smiled, she seemed nice. I heard Aaron clear his throat "So um, Pam, where did you come from?", "Oh, from the Earth", "Whoah, lit" Lucas got really excited and turned towards me, we were now seated really close, my face heat up a little, I saw Aaron give Lucas a glare for some reason. 

We kept talking about everything, until the lunch passed and it was now time to get to class, these guys were nice, I liked them. As we walked, Aaron caught up with me "So, are you ready for the combat training?" he said "Wait what? combat training? As in with weapons and hitting?", "Yeah, do you know your power", "Well, not yet, I was sort of summoned here, so I didn't have an opportunity to find out", a bigger smile now plastered across the boys face "Ohhh, this is gonna be fun" He said, as we kept walking towards that 'Combat field' as he just called it.

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