Back to normal

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It's now been a few days since Cora was knocked out during the combat lesson, which obviously made our music group rehearsal quite tense. Well, tense must be an understatement, I just couldn't stand the guy. Coming to play the drums, as if nothing happened. The only thing that changed was that he became more distracted, and his girl, Lilian was following him around throwing anger fits.

To be honest, during those days I was not at my best either, truth be told, I'm mad worried about her. Something simply didn't sit right with me and that fight, Cora never lost, something must have happened, yet that dickhead, Caden, refuses to talk about it. We were staring yet another verse, when Thea entered the stage room, accompanied by some mysterious guy whose name I couldn't recall, we fought before, but I never asked for his name ever since. Meanwhile the girl approaches me, coming close to the stage "Hey, Al, mind if we hang here for a bit?" "Not at all, but who is the tall dark and handsome guy by your side?" I asked her jokingly, nodding towards her friend, who upon hearing me had turned beet red "Oh, I'm Sean, nice to meet you, Alex, right?"

Sean extended his hand towards me, and I gladly took it 'how come I've never talked to him before? such a loss on my part' I thought to myself, while adding "Yeah, nice to meet you, Sean, you can come here whenever you like, the more the better" I winked at him. Right when I was about to say something else, Aaron cleared his throat, indicating that we should keep practicing. I nodded to both Thea and Sean apologetically and came back to the centre of the stage, smirking to myself, as I could hear Thea nudging Sean, and asking him what he thought of me.

"One, two, one, two, three, go.." I said, as we began to play once again, everything was going pretty well this time, even Caden managed not to fuck up his part like he used to all those previous times. I could even say we were on fire, which we will be on literally if Aaron won't learn how to properly control his powers while creating special effects for us. The part of the chorus was coming up, Sean and I made eye contact, everything is so intense, the moment is perfect, i'm feeling myself, Leitham begins to play his part, it all good, there comes the best part and... nothing.

Or rather the sound of the drumstick falling onto the ground, my head angrily shots up towards the culprit. Caden is just sitting there, in complete shock, his drumsticks on the floor and staring in one direction, I follow his eyes and now it's my turn to be in shock. Cora is standing in the doorway, looking at me, smiling weakly. At that moment, I drop my mic and begin to dash towards my best friend, catching her into my arms and twirling her around. "Cora, are you alright? You got me so scared" she just laughed soundly, everything was finally back to normal.


When I woke up I didn't open my eyes instantly, my body felt weird, some parts of it felt heavy, others, light like a feather, but on the whole I was alright 'I wonder for how long was I asleep', I heard some shifting right next to where I was lying, so I slightly opened my eyes, while still looking as if I was asleep. It was... Caden? what was he doing here? He didn't seem to notice me and soon enough stood up to leave, I decided not to let him know I was aware of his presence, since it would have made things more awkward than they already are.

I knew what happened, so I didn't blame him, it wasn't completely his fault, but he doesn't know that, he doesn't know that during his most vulnerable moment, when I got inside his head with his own quirk, I evoked some memories, aimed at provoking him, and I might have overdid it all slightly. No one would be able to control themselves, which only showed me just how mighty his power was. When the boy finally left, I allowed myself to stand up, the nurse finally came to check up on me, and after making sure I was ok decided that I could go, not without my persuasion obviously.

Cami was the first person I came to visit, she was sitting in the company of Gea, Ginny and that new girl, Pamela I think. Once my best friend saw me, her and her friends rushed towards me and showered with questions, even though it all was quite overwhelming, I enjoyed the rant for quite a bit. I also found out that I was out for five days. "Damn, that guy Caden got the firm punch, am I right" I tried to joke about it "You telling me, that bastard might have felt guilty, cause I saw him visiting" Camille said, I raised my eyebrow "He visited? When?" "Oh, a few days ago, I was leaving after I talked to Cami and saw him leaving the hospital wing as well" Gea added.

'So it wasn't just today' I noted to myself' "Where is Al, by the way? at their practice as usual?", once receiving a nod from Gea and Ginny, affirming my question I hugged them all once more and headed towards the rehearsal room, which was located practically on the opposite side of the campus. I couldn't wait to surprise Alex and moreover, I also wanted to see Caden, and he had to be there, not that I would say something to him, but anyways.

Soon enough I reached my destination, I already could hear the loud music playing as I was approaching the door, I quietly swung it open and stood there for awhile, watching the guys play. Alex was having their moment, as usual, I smiled to myself and then my gaze shifted towards the drummer boy, who also seemed to look my way at the same time. When out eyes met, he suddenly stopped playing and dropped his drumsticks. 

I didn't have much time to process out little weird moment as Al already noticed, and after I gave them a fade smile, now were running towards me, into an embrace, so I did the same. My friend caught me and twirled in their arms, yet my eyes stayed fixated on Caden 'I wonder how many times did he come to visit me, and why' many thoughts had crossed my mind at that time, but overall, I was happy, happy that everything was finally back to normal.

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