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you woke up from your deep beauty slumber and you saw jerma was still there next to you awake, trying to get his phoen to work. you grumbledd and he noticed uou wakinf up :3 "morning y/n," he said to yous. "i havent had any luck getting any reception out here.." he sighed.

you rubbed your eyes and sat up and looked arojnd the small cave. it was very pink and had sparkly rocks everywhere. you contemplated eating them but shrugged it off. you turned your attention back to jerma.

 "i was hoping i could contact one of my friends who i know has a rocketship but i dont think itll be possible...." jerma weeped softly, and you held him tenderly in your big muscly arms. he was so beautiful, even in mourning....

"im so hongy" you said when jerma was done weeping, and youremembered you packed a jar of fresh jalapenos in your long santa beard before you went to work just in case you got hungry! "omg! check this out!" you exclaimed exciteedly and pulled out the gigantic jar. you both sat and ate some jalapenos for a few hours.

after you were done jerma stood up, "i think we should go out and explore a bit, just see what we can find for food and whatnot." he suggested and you nodded in ageeement. you stood up onyour wobbly toothpick legs and put the now half-enpty jar back in your beard and headed out of the cave with jerma.

you two explored the forest for a little bit and came across some trees and bushes with weird looking berries on them, which you picked and stored for later, but nothing else of interest yet, eventualky you headed out of the forest and into the grassy plains closer to where the ship was.

suddenly, jerma stopped in his tracks for a moment. "i...i don't know if we should stay on this planet or go back on the ship.." he saidd, sitting down on a comically large mushroom. "they might kill me if we go back, but we might also die on this planet... it's like theres no good option..." he held his head in his hands sadly.

im olike half alseep rihht now imsorry g7ys

"maybe.. we can find some way to pay those aliens back so they wont kill you? i mean..maybe we can make the money up by selling anime body pillows or something?" you suggested, despite knowing it was probably a foolish thought..., "i appreciate the suggestion, but....i dont think thats what they want anymore.." he admitted with dread,,, you sat down next to him on the mushroom and carressed his long flowing mane lovingly..

suddenly, before you guys could even react, from across the grassy plains the loud roar of the spaceship starting up could be heard, alerting both of you. smoke formed at the bottom, signaling it was about to take off. panic rushed througg your bones and muscles and veins and blood and organs as you stood up.

 "oh shit oh fuck theyre about to take off without us!!!!" jerma yelled and you both chased after the ship, but it was too far away and you couldnt even get close enough before it was already high in the sky, unreachable...

stricken with grief, jerma collapsed onto his knees and started sobbing loudly, and you were shaking uncontrollably from fear..your only hope of leaving this place..gone....you'll be stuck in a planet with jerma forever now...you'll never get to rewatch kung fu panda(your favorite movie) again, or feed your neopet, or eat another McChicken from McDonald's....

idk hwi to continue thiss so ujm to be continued later or soemthfng

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