Chapter 21- Rum and Shopping

Start from the beginning

John cringed and shut his ears at the piercing sound in his ear. 'Stop freaking out, will you? She probably just overslept.'

'Well, it's not just that' Grace said doubtfully.

John turned on his side 'Well, then what is it?' he asked. He should have seen this coming. He had spent enough time with Sherlock and Rosie to know that, and Grace was no less.

'I might've blabbed' Grace said nervously.

'You should've started with that' John rolled his eyes and, sat upon his bed. He exhaled and asked 'Okay, Grace, what did you say to her?'


John knocked on Tara's door and when there was no response, he tried the doorknob. Thankfully, it was open. The living room floor was covered in gift wrapping paper and shopping bags and Tara was nowhere to be found. He cautiously made his way to her bedroom.

Tara was sitting on her bed, surrounded by more gift-wrapping paper and shopping bags than John had seen on his wedding day. She was clutching a bottle of rum and staring at all her purchases, nervously.

'Hey, kiddo!' John said softly and moved some of the shopping bags, making space for himself.

'John! You're here' she smiled nervously at him, as he sat beside her.

'Yes. You want to tell me what's going on here?'

'Well, as you know I am spending Christmas with Mycroft's family and you' She told him. Her voice was shaky.

'Yeah, I know that. What I don't know is how that could possibly lead to all of this.' He said pointing to all the shopping bags.

'John, it's rude to show up at a person's house on Christmas without presents' She said, her breathing tensed.

'Okay, you need to calm down. I have spent Christmas with them before, and I never got them a present. It's fine.' John told her, trying to get her to breathe.

'No, it's not fine, John' Tara shot back

He rolled his eyes at her. 'Well, all of this is way too much anyway'

John tried to calm her down for an hour but she only seemed to panic more. Then Sherlock joined in. He seemed to be enjoying Tara's nervous breakdown. Grace came too. She couldn't handle all the customers alone and she was worried about Tara. John had given her strict instructions not to say another word in front of Tara, should she scare her boss even more.

'Why did you buy a scarf? It's very impersonal. Most of these are jewelry, ties, tiepins, cufflink. They are all so impersonal.' Sherlock said as he browsed through the shopping bags. John and Grace were standing at the end of the bed, cautiously eyeing Tara.

'It's a week before Christmas, Sherlock. Most people have already done their Christmas shopping, this is all they had left. And I don't know your parents at all, how was I supposed to buy personal gifts?' Even though she was drunk, she spoke really fast like she was on a caffeine high.

'Good going, Sherlock' John muttered to his best friend, wondering why he hadn't given Sherlock strict instructions to shut up too. Then he wondered why he had let him in in the first place.

'I know right. Look at her, she is holding that bottle of rum like it's a life vest' Sherlock chortled and then saw John shooting him a menacing look. 'Sarcasm?' he knitted his eyebrows and asked. Sarcasm was still lost on him.

'What do you think, genius?' John shot back.

Before Sherlock could reply they were interrupted by Tara.

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