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Recap: We found a lever, that led us to a long stair-well. When we got to the bottom, we started walking to the hallway in front of us. We heard humming in the distance, and we found out what the humming was.

We couldn't believe our eyes. The thing that was causing the 'mysterious' humming was none other than another person.

She was very tall. She also had a neat bun tied in the back, and had her bangs kept neat with bobby-pins. Her dress was covered in pearls, and nice fabric. The dress itself was made of silk.

"Oh, hello there! I am Elizabeth the 3rd. But oh please, do call me Liza!" She said, putting her hand out for someone to shake.

I shook her hand.

"Rigel. That's Rei and Carl." I said pointing to the other two.

"M'lady." Carl said bowing.
"H-hi..." Rei said waving slightly.
"Do you mind if I tag along with you? I have been alone for ever so long." She said, giving a smile.
"No, actua-"

"But of course!  The more the merrier!" Carl said, cutting me off.


I elbowed Carl in the stomach, and started walking ahead. I didn't want to waste any time, I just wanted to get out of here. It's not 'more the merrier', the others are just dragging me down.

There was a large door at the end off the hallway, and I started running to it. What if it was an exit? I needed to get out of here. I couldn't remember barely anything, except my name, and how I got here.

Everyone else started running to catch up. I started tugging on the door, but it didn't budge.

"D-dammit.." I said, frustrated.

Elizabeth walked over, making sure that her heels clicked loudly for every step.

"My dear, let me help you." She said.

Before I could even reply, she pushed me aside and yanked on the door.

It opened.

"Open! All right everyone, step inside." Elizabeth said, straitening her posture.

"Th-thank you..." Rei said, flinching when Elizabeth replied with a 'you're welcome'.

We stepped in, analyzing our surroundings. There was a row of chairs (15 chairs to be exact), with belts around them. I decided to look around a bit, finding a gun behind one of the seats.

I also found 3 bullets next to another chair. All of the sudden, I hear a squeak come from Rei, and I whip my head to see what's happening. He got tied by a rope, and forced into one of the 15 chairs.

The same thing happened to Carl and Elizabeth. Why wasn't I being tied up and forced into a chair?

All of the sudden, I hear a voice come on through the speakers.


That's all the voice said. Escape? What is that supposed to mean?

All of the sudden, the room started filling with water.

"Oh heavens. This just won't do. Rigel, darling! Do help us!" Elizabeth said.

I gasped as I felt the water hit my shins. It was rising faster than I thought it would. I saw this huge power generator  on the ceiling. Do you think that the water flow is powered by that?

I loaded the gun, and shot the generator in attempt to make the water stop. It made a loud 'boom', and suddenly the water stopped. I then shot the door handles on the door, and it opened.  Carl, Rei, and Elizabeth were all free.

"Thanks, Ri!" Carl said. 



When Rei passed me, her just gave me a giant hug, engulfing me in his long sleeves. He then let go, and whispered a quiet 'thank you for saving me.'

When little miss prissy passed, she didn't even say a word. Not even a single 'thank you', she just passed by. What nerve.

"Not even a thank you, giraffe?"

She turned around, very slowly, giving me an eerie smile. (Just like Isabella's for TPN)

"What did you call me?"

"I called you a giraffe. What, are you deaf too?"

Now she looked PISSED.

She straightened her posture, and started to speak. 

"I know that I shouldn't take such petty insults from a short commoner.  Anything is tall compared to you, and frankly, I do not care about your opinion what so ever. Now if you must be this way, you can excuse yourself from the group."

I gasped, and raised my fist to go punch her. Unfortunately, before I could. I felt a hand wrap around my arm.  

"We shouldn't resort to violence." Carl said, in the most serious tone ive ever heard him use.

Before I knew it, I felt a pain rush through my cheek, and I got knocked out.

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