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Recap: I woke up in a strange place. I found out I was Rigel. I found out the so-called strange place was a school. An abandoned one. When I walked out of the room I was in, something wrapped around my neck, and here I am.

Something wrapped around my neck, and yanked me up in the air. I felt the air escaping my lungs. I put my hands around the thing that was yanking me, in attempt to take it off. At least I found out what it was. A rope. I was being hung by a rope. 

'So... This is how I die.' I thought to myself. Sure, I could be trying to escape currently, but what was even the point? It's easier to just except death. 

And.... That's when I passed out. 

Darkness. Pitch black, being trapped in my thoughts. Why? Why was I brought here? Is it just me? Alright, I'm dead. Right?

All of the sudden, I felt a pain rush through my cheek, followed along with a loud 'Hey!'.

"Hey! Hellooo! Are you dead?" A boy said. His voice was deep, but it also cracked. 

"Dude, I told you she's dead." This boy was different. His voice was higher. But not too much higher.

I fluttered my eyes open, and rubbed them.

"H-hello?" I said, trying not to fall over once I sat up.

One of the boys handed the other one five dollars.

"Dude!! I knew she was alive!! Heyo, my name is Carl! What about you?" He reached out a hand.


I shook his hand, recoiling after a few seconds.

"This one is Rei! He's a bit shy, but yknow, he'll get used to you eventually."


He reached out one of his long sleeves that was draping over his hand, and I shook it.

He was warm. He had long black bangs that covered his eyes, and wore a black hoodie that was WAY too big for him.

The hood had cat ears on it, and he wore blue jean-shorts with white high socks.

Carl, had a green tee-shirt, and some black jeans on. The black jeans had chains all over, and he also had a septum piercing. I thought he was cute.

I blushed at the thought of me thinking Carl was cute. I had just met him!!

"A-anyways, we should try to find a way out of here." I said, trying to cut out my other thoughts.

"I-I think w-we should go th-this way..." Rei said pointing right.

"Really? Alright, les go!" Carl said enthusiasticly.

'How can he be so sure that Rei isn't setting a trap or something?'

I started making my way towards the right side of the hallway, when I saw something up ahead.

"Hey... What is that?"

Everyone looked up and saw what it was. It was horrifying.

It was a dead body of a little toddler bunched up in a locker.

"O-oh... Oh my god..." Carl said losing the color in his face.

Rei just looked away and mumbled something under his breath.

"Just don't look.... Just don't look... Just don't look..."

I took a deep breath, and walked over to the dead body.

"R-rigel... What the hell are you doing?!" Carl said, looking like he just saw a ghost.

I didn't answer. I just kept walking.

I knelt down, and started moving the body.

Under the body was a lever, so I attempted to pull it. It didn't budge, so I waved Rei over. He scurried over, and knelt down with me.


"I need you to pull this lever."  I said, looking at him seriously.

"W-why me?"

"Just do it."

He pulled the lever, and spikes came up and mutilated the child, until it was nothing but mush.

Once the mush was moved to the side, a long stair-well appeared. So long that you couldn't even see the end of it.

I started walking down the dark path, as lanterns lit up as I walked. Must be sensor lights.

Carl ran after me, his hair bouncing as he ran. After catching up, he began to speak.

"*Huff... Huff* How-How did you kn-know there was a l-lever?" Carl questioned, huffing from running after me.

"I didnt. Just a wild guess, y'know?" I replied.

"Yeah, I guess..."

The rest of the way was pretty quiet, Rei being behind Carl and I.

It wasn't necessarily an awkward silence, more of a 'we are still in shock because of what we just saw' silence. We didn't know what to say.

We finally stepped on the last stair, and came to a whole different floor. Before we could even blink, the stair-well had a wall come up from the ground, and block it off.

"Dammit..." Carl said in a frustrated tone.

Rei sighed.
"L-looks like w-we have t-to go th-this way..." He said as he pointed ahead, forward being the only way available.

We started making our way down the hall. Like the stairs, the lanterns were lighting the way.

The hall was creepy. Unsettling if you will.

I heard humming in the distance, and we all stopped. The song sounded like Für Elise, and the voice was pretty good. The humming got closer and closer, and it eventually got in front of us. We couldn't believe our eyes.

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