Bonus: Rei's Backstory!⚠️

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I used to be a cute, innocent person. I was 5 when the bullying started.

It was my first day of school, and I was terrified. I was shy, and the thought of having other kids around me freaked me out.

I took my backpack, and walked to school. When I walked into the class, everyone started looking at me.

I started crying, and I broke down on the floor. I cried for the rest of the day.

At recess, the kids called me a 'crybaby'. It just got worse as I grew. In 2nd grade, they started teasing me. Saying "I'll give you a reason to cry".

As 3rd grade came, they were beating me up. Badly. I would come home everyday with bruises.

They would scream at me, and call me a 'faggot', 'crybaby' and they would also call me 'femmy'. At this age, I didn't really know what to think.

I just knew it hurt. One day when I got home, my dad was drunk. Per usual. But usually he would just go to bed after getting drunk. This time, when I walked into the living room, he was beating up my mom.

I tried to get him off, but he wouldn't listen. He had a crazy look in his eye that looked like he was going to kill her .

"Dad!! Get off of her!"

No reply. He just kept going. At this point, she was knocked out and bloody.

When he got off of her, it was about 1:00 am.

I went to go feel her pulse. She was barely alive. I went next door, and asked to call the police. They agreed, and gave me their phone.

I told them my dad beat up my mom terribly, and I needed help.

They came, and the police took me and my dad into custody. My mom got sent to the hospital, and they sent me off to an orphanage.

I spent 2 years there. Finally, a man and a woman came and got me. There was something off about the man. The woman was neutral, and looked fine. But the man was definitely off.

They took me to their house.

"Hey sweetie! You can just call me Auntie Debbie. Okay?" The woman said. She seemed sweet.


After 'Auntie Debbie' went to bed, the man came to see me.

"Hello.." I said.

"Hey boy, you can just call me daddy. Alright?" He said in a deep voice.

"I don't know if I'm... Um ... Comfortable with that..."

He slapped me. Hard. I started crying silently on the floor.

"You will, whether you like it or not."


"Okay what?"

"Okay... D-daddy..."

I started crying louder. I wasn't okay with this. I miss my mom.

"Good boy. Now hurry to bed." He said, in a raspy voice.

When I turned around to go, he squeezed my butt. I ran to the room, and went under the covers.

I didn't want to sleep. I couldn't, even if I wanted to. The next morning, the man went to work, and I was home with Auntie Debbie.

"H-hey Auntie D-Debbie? Can I talk to y-you?" I said still crying a little bit, the thought of the man crossing my mind.

"Of course sweetheart!"

"Um... The man was being weird with me when you went to bed.. he told me to call him daddy, and slapped me when I said no. He squeezed my butt, too..." I said crying more.

Her eyes glazed over. She looked emotionless.

"You little shit..." She said looking down.


"Why do you feel the need to lie? He is a great man, you ungrateful little brat!" She slapped me across the face where the man had the previous night.

I ran back into the room, and stayed there for a few hours. At about 6:00 pm, I heard a knock at my bedroom door.

I was skeptical, I knew it was the man. He gets here around this time.
I just stayed in bed.

Bad choice.

The door broke down. Wood chips of the old oak door flew everywhere.

"You told Debra about what happened, didn't you?"

I started crying. I nodded, knowing he would probably know if I was lying or not.

"Good thing she didn't believe you..."

He came closer, and wiped my tears off of my face. He started kissing me, and I tried to push him away. He eventually got off.

"You're so cute if you don't cry, y'know that?"

I didn't answer. I didn't know how to answer that.

"Ass up, boy. Just be a good little faggot and take this."

I didn't and he flipped me around.

Time Skip.

It's been about 4 years since I've been here. I'm 16 now. The man has been doing lewd things and been getting away with it all this time.

I was trying to stay outside as much as I possibly can, so I can avoid the man.

4 men pulled up in a van, and put a cloth over my mouth. I blacked out, and woke up in the abandoned school.
I cried so much making Rei's Backstory. I love this character so so so much, and yea. Eventually I'm going to make a chapter for everyone's backstory. I'm still thinking of Carl's, but I already have Elizabeth and Rigel.
This type of action is completely and utterly unacceptable. Tell someone if it's happening to someone you know.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

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