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I rubbed my throbbing forhead, as I felt a familiar pain rush through my head.

"Shit... A headache." I groaned.

I put my hand on the floor beneath me, and felt a cold cement.

Memories started rushing through my head, as I tried to get up.

I am Rigel.

What is that supposed to mean?

I sat there for a few minutes, thinking.

I might be Rigel.

Alright, I'm Rigel. I stood up, and dusted off my knees.

Where am I?

I looked around. I was in a dim empty room, with only a door.

The door was unsettling. Creepy to put it bluntly.  The door had a window in the middle, but the window was shattered. The door was dirty, and broken.

I ran towards it, and tried to open it.

It wouldn't budge. It was like someone had put something in front of the door.

I heard the door handle jiggle, and ran to the corner.

The door handle stopped making movement.


So silent I could hear my thoughts.

I waited for about a half an hour before making any movement.

After that, I went towards the door and it suddenly opened. I stepped out, and it looked like I was in an abandoned school.

How easy was that? I thought it would be harder!

Alarms started going off. Loud ones.

Oh. There they ar-

Before I could finish my thought, something wrapped around my neck, and yanked me away from where I was.

I'm aware its very short, I just need time to think about what to do next. Thank you for reading! ❤️

ANOTHER VERSION ON vista08_centari ACC!

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