"Here, it's pretty recent, I bought it last week."

"Great! Thanks! I'll return it one day"

"Well we don't plan on leaving here kid." She pat your head. You smiled and ran back to the room stuffing the book into the backpack, and putting it on. The others came back soon after, grabbing their bags, and putting their shoes on. You led them out to the porch, and saw the water had risen, but not all the way to the house you stayed at.

"We'll be heading-"

"Wait!!" The five of you turned to look at a blue haired girl who was running towards you. "Are you guys leaving right now??"

"Um yeah.. Who are you?" You asked.

"My name is Ganyu! My mom got taken somewhere but I don't know where, and I need to find her."

"She was taken somewhere?"

"Yeah, before the waves came a truck drove by, and said they only had enough space for one person, so I pushed her into the truck. They said they were heading for elevated land, but I made it here yesterday and searched everywhere and I couldn't find her... I left this place for last, but the old man over there's just told me he remembers seeing a lady who fit her description three days ago with a few other people.. He said what seemed to be the leader of the group was going to-"


"Yeah Yukhan! How did you know?"

"That man is my dad." You said. She gasped. "Do you wanna come with us?"

"Can I?"


"Please!" She yelled and hugged you. You opened your bag and gave her a bottled water.

"Ration it out, we'll eat later." You said, and turned to the rest of the group. "Ganyu's coming with us, we're heading left, to reach Ureni." The five of you set off. You at the front, and Ningguang at the back. She was talking to Ganyu. "Ureni..." You whispered to yourself. Why was the second island of Aurelia, closely named after Uruni? It didn't make sense to you. You took your backpack off and searched for the book Mrs. Ana gave you. After finding it, you put the backpack back on and continued walking as you read.

"What are you guys talking about?" Xiao asked Razor and Bennett.

"Snails!" Bennett said proudly. Xiao raised his eyebrow and slowed down.

"What about you guys what are you talking about?"

"Oh I'm just asking Ganyu where she went to school and stuff." Ningguang said.

"Oh where did you go to school?"

"I was a senior at Hau'oli high. Ningguang says Y/n went to Paniala?"

"Yeah she did." Xiao said.

"Oh, my school was part of the same district! Where did you go?"

"Regional Kain."

"Oh it must've been expensive to get into there no??"

"No it's still public school. Everyone thinks it's some highly prestigious shit because it's named after Kain but we're not that special." Xiao said.

"Like hell you're not, I knew a girl from there who said teachers didn't let students talk during lunch, and you all have to study"

"No way?? They did that once. And it was because everyone in a particular class got like abysmal math scores, so they assumed we were all at fault." Xiao laughed. "God that school sucks. There was a fight everyday"

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