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A/N, the title for this part was all I could think of at the moment..

     It was an average sunny day on Mobius. Y/N turned twelve years old a while ago. It was getting close to the end of summer break so Y/N was trying to have as much fun as she could before she started homeschooling again. Infinite and Eggman on the other hand were constantly revising their plan for the school year, though they do spend time with her.

     Infinite was perfectly fine with homeschooling Y/N, but he wants to change things up a tiny bit. He knows that Y/N is able to navigate a building by feeling vibrations and disturbances in the air, and is able to read without guidance. But he felt as if she needed a better way to be involved with others, a better chance to make friends. 

     The jackal recalled when Y/N was six and how the other kids avoided the A/T because of who she was raised by, and took advantage of her disability. He wanted to give her the chance and ability to make friends again, true friends. And thinking about it, Infinite came up with an idea. Now he just have to convince Eggman. 

     "Doctor, I have an idea," Infinite started. Eggman looked at the smaller mobian, Infinite wasn't able to tell what it was. "What if we send Y/N to somewhere more public?"

     "You mean public school? If that is what you are proposing, then what is the closest school you can find? Because the only one I know of is literally ten miles away from us!" Eggman says with annoyance. 

     "I will figure something out," Infinite replied, with a very relaxed tone, "It was only a suggestion." Y/N poked her head into the room, ears(if your animal doesn't have ears ignore that) pointed forwards and curious about what was going on. "It's okay, Y/N. Nothing to worry about," the jackal reassured his daughter. The young A/T knodded and ran off to another part of the base.

     After a week or two, Infinite finally found a middle and junior high school in a small town not too far. In one more week, Y/N would be starting her first day of public schooling. Though he should be happy, the jackal was nervous about how his daughter would perform. Y/N hasn't spent a lot of time with other Mobians her age, and he feared that she wouldn't do well in unfamiliar territory.

     "Relax a little," Eggman told him. "It's instinct for parents to be concerned about their children but your child going off on her own one day is inevitable. This step in Y/N's and your life will prepare the both of you for that inevitable change. But right now, relax and take some baby steps, I am sure it will take awhile for you and Y/N to get accustomed to this change."

     Infinite let those words simmer in his mind. His tense body and mind relaxed slightly, feeling that Y/N was actually going to be fine. The jackal lay on his back, looking at the night sky. Y/N was sleeping on his side, warmed by her father's body heat. Infinite softly smiled and gently picked Y/N up, and took her inside.


Yea I wanted to have a wholesome ending to this part. I am planning for the next part(whenever I am willing to write it) to be Y/N's first day of school. Eggman in this is sort of a co-dad, to be honest I feel like there is some QPR(Queer-Platonic Relationship) stuff going on between Infinite and Eggman when it comes to raising Y/N. 

Also, sorry for being dead for a few months, I lacked the motivation to do anything. 

FINALLY, @Hedgeoctoling, thank you for inspiring the idea of how Y/N finds her way around.

Jackal for a Father Father/daughter scenarios (Some slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now