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Sorry about not updating for a while... I have been facing a lot of writers block and had been uninspired for a while. I have managed to snap out of it for now... But I hope you enjoy yet this late-again update...😅

      Y/N woke up again in a coughing fit. Infinite sat her up in bed so she could get the mucus out of her throat. Y/N has been sick with a fever for a couple of days, how she got the virus was unknown. Eggman gave Infinite time off to take care of Y/N until she showed no sign of the illness.

     After almost coughing up a lung, he gave a small glass of water to the A/T. She drank the entire glass and yawned again, her face was pale with small bags under her eyes, her H/C pelt was matted up and wasn't brushed out for a while.

     Infinite tucked his daughter back into her bed and lightly kisses her hot forehead, remembering to dampen the cloth again. He gently lifted the dry cloth and runs it under the sink in the bathroom, he squeezed the extra water out and carefully drapes it back onto the A/T's head.

     "Sleep tight, Y/N," Infinite whispered to the sleeping girl before walking out of the room, leaving Orbot and Cubot in the room.

Jackal for a Father Father/daughter scenarios (Some slow updates)Where stories live. Discover now