Chapter 6

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Percy's POV

"Dying!?" Nico screamed/whispered.

"Go take his tem-" just then, Caleb fell over, shaking violently. Nico and I ran over to him and grabbed hus arms to get him to stop shaking.

"A seizure!?" Nico said.

"GET IN THE CAR!" I shouted.

Nico picked Willow up and ran to the car. I picked Caleb up and did the same.


"We ran some blood tests on Caleb," the doctor said. "He has... AML."

"What the hell is AML?" I asked.

"Acute Myeloid Leukemia..."

"So... Caleb has cancer?"

"Yes. He'll start with some radiation then chemotherapy."

I looked over at Nico. He was crying his eyes out.

Nico's POV

I was crying so much. I hugged Percy tightly and cried some more. He hugged me back.

Our little Caleb had cancer...

"We'll start the treatment Monday. Then continue it for the rest of the year."

"Okay," Percy said. "Thanks." He picked Caleb up and we walked to the car.


Sorry for the short chapter...

Ugh the feels are slapping me now. DA FEEEEEELZ!!!!

Now, im out of ideas so far. Message me ideas!

♡♡♡♡♡ -Darcy Loves Cha!

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