Chapter 1 - Daydreamer

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"I love you Alyna and I am willing to stop my brutal killings just to be the right man you've always hoping for" He takes my chin in his hand and rubs my cheek with his calloused thumbs.


I smile at him, not knowing what else to say.


My mind was fully mesmerized by his purely black orbs that was looking at me with a longing feelings he used to keep for himself for the longest time we've been together.


"Do you love me, Alyna?"  He suddenly asked.


I felt my cheeks heated up by hearing his sudden question. I've been waiting for this to happen. The man that I've been waiting for finally came and ask me about my feelings towards him. Of course I like him. He's the only reason as to why I choose to be strong for all the hard times I've been through. He gave me a courage to stand by those people who made my life a living hell. He's my inspiration. It's like, I'm the phone and he's my battery. I can't work without him.


I need him.


I want him.




"I love you too Jeff" I replied wholeheartedly.


I saw him flashed a wide welcoming smile -well if that's even possible- and lean closer to rest his forehead onto mine. Our eyes are lock as I felt his warm breath touches my skin. He was really close to the point that our lips was about to pressed onto each other.


He lean forward, perfectly occupying the free space between us. He lean closer and closer and closer.....


Oh my god! He's going to kiss me! This is it. This is really really is it!


On some books I read, it stated that to be able to feel those kisses, couple must be close their eyes and let their desire reign the moment. So I close my eyes and patiently push my lips forward, aiming for his soft red lips.


I've waited and waited and waited ————-


"Hey, Aly!" The person who's seating next to me bump her shoulder onto mine, snapping me out of my reverie. I open my eyes and send her an annoyed look. "What!?" I asked furiously. She gestured for something in front of us.

Oh god. I really hate it when someone interrupted my imagination.

I raise my eyebrow before following her gaze which I end up gulping hard by what greeted me. Mrs. Helldirm, our history teacher was standing in front of me while looking at me like she wanted to cut my flesh and ripped off all my organs.

Her eyebrows are furrowed together as the creepy black smokes comes out from her nostrils. "Ms. Alyna. Are you daydreaming in the middle on my class again?" She rest a hand on her hip and shifted her weight on her other foot.

I felt like some horrifying ogre was aiming for my head. I shook my head vigorously and plastered an innocent smile. Mrs. Helldirm seems not buying it. She raise her fake eyebrow and commanded "At the back" to me.

On the wall again?

She used to call some students that she spotted doing something that was not related on her subject and command them to stand at the back while facing the old rusty wall on the whole period. That was the punishment she usually applied just to frighten her so called 'naughty' students.

I mean, that was definitely a wrong way. Just because she wanted us to respect her doesn't mean that she have to force us by standing for a long time. That was a friggin' torture! Her surname really fits her attitude. She was really a Helldirm.

I felt like my soul was starting to leave my mortal body right now in utter humiliation. I saw the other students laugh at me while making a face and some are sticking out their tongue just to mock me. I sigh. The usual day of my life.

I stood up and lazily obey her order. "Oh god" I muttered under my breath.

"Are you complaining Ms. Alyna?" I heard Mrs. Helldirm asked.

"No, Ma'am" I replied.

"You're lying again, and because of that...." She thrilled. "You're going to clean this room after my dismissal" She finished. From the corner of my eye, I saw the other student fist-pumping the air silently as they mouthed 'yes', knowing they won't going to clean the room for today.

Does anyone here wanna save me from this kind of lifestyle?

Pretty please?



   Sorry it took me so long to update this. I was currently working on my other story but my focus was on 'THE BADBOYS PUNISHMENT' since that was the first story I made before this.


It was about the bad boy who force by his mom to look after a weird girl. Well that story wasn't just about a simple romance that most of the reader's usually read. It was about on how he solve the mystery that transpired on the girl with a long Red hair and blood-like eyes. Oh, and it's leveled on 'vampire' genre.


So yeah. That's it for now.


Anyway, thanks for reading this chap.


Stay tuned my friend!

~Ms. M =ω=

A Killer's Fan (Jeff The Killer)Where stories live. Discover now