Poetry intro

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Basic poetry terminology: 

Line-a single sentence or part of a sentence. When typed it is usually followed by the enter key, when written the next line is usually on the next line of paper. EX: Roses are red

Stanza-can be compared to a short paragraph. Made up of multiple lines. 

EX: Who can kick a football                                                                                          From here to Afghanistan?                                                                                                                                           I can!  -Who by Shel Silverstein

Rhyme- one of the 3R's, a poetic rule where each corresponding line ends in similar sounding words. not always the immediately following line EX twinkle twinkle little STAR, how I wonder what you ARE

Rhythm- one of the 3R's, a poetic rule where each stanza reads the same by limiting the amount of words or syllables to each line. EX: haikus 5-7-5 syllables per stanza

Repetition-one of the 3R's, a poetic rule where a part of a line or stanza is repeated frequently throughout the poem EX: 5 little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head, mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumping on the bed

Line break-where a line or even a word is broken into multiple lines for added artistic value. example below

White space-used in artistic poetry to tell a story or add to a story with the placement of each line or stanza on the page. example below.

All poems have one thing in common

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All poems have one thing in common. They follow the 3R's. Rhyme, rhythm, and repetition. A poem only needs one of the 3R's to be considered a poem. They can be as short as three lines or as long as you want. 

Though personally I find longer poems to be harder to keep with the R you choose. But personal preference.

Don't forget to be creative!

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