X = Rin + 2 x Ben + 2 x Albedo + 2

Start from the beginning

"Two hours," Albedo answered, "So we've got to hurry."

"Also, what does she look like?" Gwen asked.

Raff held a hologram of the princess in his hand to show the group.

Raff pressed a button and all of the people there were surrounded by a shimmering light and they disappeared

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Raff pressed a button and all of the people there were surrounded by a shimmering light and they disappeared.


When they appeared on the dam they saw a green teenage girl fighting an alien in purple armor. When they surveyed the situation further they noticed holes in the dam likely caused by energy blasts.

"Alright," Rin said while stretching, "I got this."

He slapped the Ultimatrix and became his own version of an Incursean called Bullfrag.

He slapped the Ultimatrix and became his own version of an Incursean called Bullfrag

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He used his enhanced limbs and shot like a rocket at SevenSeven. He shot his tongue at SevenSeven and wrapped it around his neck as he flew by, yanking SevenSeven away from the Princess. Rin landed and SevenSeven was still coming towards him at high speed due to Rin retracting his tongue. He shifted into his Higbreed form, Moot, and grabbed SevenSeven by the face before planting him into the ground with his monstrous strength, cracking SevenSeven's helmet and knocking him out.

"Thank you." The princess said with a slight blush.

"You're welcome," Rin said to the Princess after returning to his normal form

"Who are you?" The princess asked.

"My name is Rin Allen, the third smartest being in five galaxies. Nice to meet you Princess Attea." Rin said.

Attea looked down at SevenSeven with contempt and started telling Rin a few things.

"Hey, I was gonna hire SevenSeven to help stage a little coup against my father so I could take over as Empress. Since you handily dispatched him, would you like to take his job? I can pay any price you want." Attea says as she holds her hand out in a handshake gesture.

Rin thinks this over for a few seconds before responding.

"Agree to never invade or destroy this Solar System, Khoros, or Galvan Prime and we have a deal. Plus I get the chance to mess with Milleous." Rin said as he held his hand out to shake Attea's hand.

Ben 10 and the Ultimatrix userWhere stories live. Discover now