Aftertale gaster...

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Well that was unexpected, I thought as I stared at nothing, I didn't die, I went to bed as a human and woke up as a skeleton... I don't even know what I look like- never mind, I thought staring at a mirror that suddenly appeared, I'm... a gaster...was I aftertale gaster? Because I looked like aftertale sans but I know I am a gaster...

Do the gasters take after their sans of their aus? If so that was very interesting thing I found out..oh! Maybe I can get stronger and all!

Along with figuring out how to leave this place and help my own geno and papyrus! I thought with a pleased smile, I always felt a bit sad for geno and some of the aus and wanted to help...

Wait...does this mean I can touch reaper sans!? Oh goodness, I always wanted to hug him! Mostly because of how some people write him as, like a sad sans who was sad and all because he couldn't touch anyone without them dying or something similar to that.

Which is one of the reasons I want to hug him, because in some- well most stories, geno could touch reaper without dying because he was already half dead and had determination. Maybe I should check myself to see?

I thought and started a check on my soul to see what it looked like and if I could hug death or not.

I felt delighted, I can hug reaper! I thought since I somehow had determination and was also half dead. I guess I really did take after my sans. I thought with an amused look.

Though for some reason, why does it look like....a bit strange?

I frowned but shrugged it off and started getting to work.

First training, figuring out a way to leave and check on my sans, and then decide.

I thought and started training myself and figure out how to summon portals and teleport, all those other things like that.

This was going to take a while but I think I got some time...maybe? I'll just have to do this and make sure not to take too long... I thought and continued to train.

I smiled, I will get as strong as I can before I leave...

~ a few weeks later~

Well I decided today was the day. I thought and made a portal, leaving it.

I glanced around and headed to where I believe sans might be at and see him looking through a screen.

I smiled and sat next to him, making him freeze before he turned to look at me with shock and surprise.

"G-gaster!?" Sans said, still shocked to see me.

"Hello sans, I see that you've been a Bit busy since the last time I saw you." I said, a small smile on my face.

Sans looked like he was still shocked for another minute or two before he's shooked his head and looked at me again.

" did you get here?" Sans asked me.

"Well, I made a portal, it took me a while to do that. But I finally got it down. So if you want to, we can leave our own au and come visit ever now and then?" I said and waited to see what he would say.

He looked a bit torn and glanced at the screen again, then back at me a few times.

"You don't have to decide today,  you can decide anytime when you want to leave. Until then we can stay here if you want?" I told him and waited.

Sans frowned and looked like he was thinking.

"I'm...willing to leave..I can't stay here all the time to watch them...we will come and visit though..." sans said and I nodded.

"Ok." I said, standing up and sans followed my lead.

I opened a portal, and walked through with sans, missing that someone came through he and looked a bit panicked at not seeing his past self here. He hopes fate didn't decide that they needed two destroyers...

We ended up in outertale and sans stared in surprise and delight.

"We will have to decide on nicknames since there are many aus with sans, papyrus's, and gasters. Though I'm uncertain if the other gasters already escaped from there or are still there. I'll decide in a bit." I told sans who nodded.

" me Geno..." sans-geno said told gaster who nodded.

"We can stay here for a bit, but we will need to move through the aus. I want to see if I need to help some aus. This one doesn't seem like it has a problem. But we will come back and visit any aus we have been to just to check and just to visit." I stated and geno nodded.

Should I call myself after? Hmm I'll need to think some more before I decide... I thought and geno wanted to watch the stars for a bit longer and I'll wait for him when he finished.

But to be fair, geno was in the safe screen and hasn't been able to see the stars in a long time..

I smiled, looks like we will be here for a while...

Finished with 898 words. Hope you like and comment what you think.

Help me with ideas.

Aftertale, sans/geno, gaster/ unknown
Outertale, sans/outer, papyrus/galaxy

The next aus appear when they visit them.

Lol plan, somehow aftertale gaster is pregnant? And won't know until a sans checks him?

Maybe you decide, I mean it would be hilarious that gaster became pregnant since I was planning on having them when they were human, they were pregnant or so.

But you all get to vote and I'll decide ok?


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