After thinking something, she told her mom, "Mom,you don't need to worry. I will try out find out solution."

Mrs Triveni nodded and got busy to her daily routine. While Namita came into her room and dialled a number. After few rings, other party picked up phone and asked, "What do you want to say. Say it."

Namita pursed her lips tightly and said with gritted her teeth, "I am also your cousin."

She heard other party mocking tone, "So you remember." Then he saud with concern, "Suhana told me Singh group is attacking your husband's company. I asked to my boss but he also didn't know anything."

Namita took deep breath and told him truth, "His company has some investments that's why it can survive shortly. But we can't guarantee in long term."

Sameer said with depression, "I will do what I can do."

Namita thanked him, "It's ok." Then she changed the topic and told him, "By the way, I called you because of Suhana. She doesn't take care herself nowadays. I tried to talk her but she didn't say anything. Try it if she will tell you something."

Sameer said with surety, "ok, I will talk her."

They talked for few more minutes then hung up. Sameer frowned after hung up, 'What happened to her? She was fine few days ago.'

Namita didn't tell him anything related to Kavish Singh. Because first she was not sure. Second, Sameer was overprotective to Suhana. If something is better Kavish Singh and Suhana, Namita wanted Suhana would tell him herself.

Suhana couldn't do her work with concentration because she couldn't sleep for two nights and many thoughts were running into her mind. Her mind was totally in mess. Kavish was someone whose company attacked her brother-in-law's company without any reason. Then why would she care for him? Ofcourse, her family was first for her than anyone else. But she was feeling depressed as passing time. She wanted to know about his condition. Is he alright or not? As he had high temper, she was worried that he did something stupid again in his anger or not.

In evening, When Suhana came home, Namita already left. After eating something, Suhana went to sleep. Mrs Triveni was worried for her younger daughter that's why she prepared dinner early. When Suhana came back, Mrs Triveni didn't ask or say her anything because she knew it's useless. Suhana will never listen. It's better to keep quiet.

After eating, Suhana laid her bed motionless. Her eyes and body was aching. She couldn't sleep properly for two nights. That's why when she touched her bed,she slept immediately.

Mrs Triveni came into her room to check her. When she looked her daughter was sleeping, she felt relaxed. She silently turn off Suhana mobile and looked at her daughter pale face. She didn't remember correctly since when Suhana changed. But she remembered clearly Suhana was not like it in her childhood. She was active and bright child. Even, Everyone praised her. She felt proud for her daughter but now, her daughter changed completely. She wondered what did she mistake that her daughter become like it. She sighed deeply.

She always thought it's Sameer's fault. If he didn't come into her daughter life, her daughter did not change. She frowned when she recalled he didn't get married till yet. But Namita words came into her mind, 'May be, Suhana likes someone.'

Mrs Triveni won't care that guy background or anything else If he treats her daughter better. She was sure that she will make her husband agree someone on her daughter behalf.

She took deep breath and hoped in her heart that it will be true her younger daughter likes someone. And she will bring that guy soon home.

Suhana didn't know what's going on her mother's mind. If she knew she really scolded Namita for sprouting nonsense into her mother's mind.

Suhana slept soundly till afternoon because her mother shut down her mobile. When Suhana woke up naturally, she streched her body and yawned. She felt relaxed. But soon her eyes opened wildly when she looked outside through window. Why sun was shining so much in early morning. She looked at her mobile for time but she got pale. Her mobile was shut down. She cursed inside her heart and opened her mobile with panic. She remembered correctly her mobile was charged fully last night then how her mobile got discharge.

When her mobile opened, she looked time and rushed towards bathroom for getting ready.

After getting ready, she looked there was a lot of messages into her inbox and mostly were Juhi and Mr Sharma. They were asking where she was? Why her mobile is shut down?

She came out from her room and looked her mother in happy mood. Mr Triveni was not at home because he went to his work place.

Mrs Triveni looked at Suhana and asked with excitement, "Suhana,did you sleep well last night?

Suhana frowned and asked, "Mom, why didn't you wake me up in morning? Do you know I am getting late now?"

Mrs Triveni asked as she didn't know anything, "Your alarm didn't ring? I thought you are tired and wanted to sleep more that's why I didn't disturb you."

Suhana made her face, "I didn't know how my mobile shut down. By the way, I am going now."

Mrs Triveni held her hand before she left and said, "Suhana, you are already late. Let's eat something before going out. If you go few minutes late, it will not mattered,right?

Suhana knew her mother was right. She was already late. Forget it. She will explain Mr Sharma later.

When she was reached, it was already half day. She explained Mr Sharma, "Sir, I am really sorry. My mobile got discharge last night that's why I couldn't wake up at right time."

Mr Sharma knew how much she was sincere towards her job. And it was her first time. He accepted her apologize, "Suhana, I let it go this time. But remember it won't happen next time. At least,inform us before taking leave. We all were worried for you. Nobody knew where you were."

Suhana nodded with smile. Because she knew Mr Sharma was scolding because he was worried for her. She said, "Sir, It will not happen again."

Mr Sharma nodded and said, "But remember to take care herself."

Suhana nodded and came out from his cabin. When her colleagues looked her, they surrounded her and asked about her well being. Her colleagues assured she was fine. They started to their work.

In evening, when she reached at home, Namita and Rajeev were there and looking glad.

Suhana asked with surprise, "What happened?"

Namita came and hugged her, "Suhana, I am so happy."

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