"What's it called?" Dumbledore tried.

I shook my head, not wanting to speak. It's a little embarrassing now that I put words into my mouth. I'm talking to myself, in my own head. They're book characters and I'm talking as if they're real.

"I don't understand," Professor McGonagall said.

"She's a Death Eater! That's what!" Moody yelled. I quickly turned my head towards him to look straight at a wand pointed at my face.

I yelped and jumped out of the chair, crawling back towards the wall. "No, I'm not! I'm a fourteen-year-old girl! I'm turning fifteen in April. I'm not a Death Eater," I shouted in fear.

"Moody, put your wand down. She's not a danger," Dumbledore called out. No, 'Moody' is, I thought. "Let her explain."

Slowly standing up against the wall, I looked around at them. "Y-you guys are characters in a book series. The series is based on Harry Potter," I sighed.

"Potter, of course!" Snape chuckled darkly.

"What is it about?" Dumbledore asked.

"It— it starts off when Harry was born. It explains how his parents were killed by Voldemort when he was one and how Harry is to fight Voldemort and his journey through school.

"The first book is about how Harry stops Voldemort from getting the Sorcerer's, or Philosopher's, Stone. The second book is his discovery of the Chamber of Secrets where he kills Tom Riddle, from his diary, and the Basilisk. In the third book, Harry saves Sirius Black from getting killed by dementors and exposes the truth about Peter Pettigrew. And now, is the fourth book where the Triwizard Tournament is taken place–" I stopped my rambling as I realized what I had done. "A-And that's really all I remember, you know? I read them. . . a long. . time ago?"

"That's all right, Miss Harring," Dumbledore cut me off. "Even if you did remember, we needn't know of the future. It is dangerous to know what happens before it does."

Everyone in the room stared at me with wide eyes as I explained the past. Most of the information was confidential, only known by the professors directly affected by it. And by the looks of Professors Flitwick and Sprout, they did not seem to know.

"How many more books are there Miss Harring?" he asked.

"Including this one, four," I answered quietly and quickly lied, "but I don't know the contents of them. I don't remember!"

"How is it possible you're reading this as books when it's our actual lives?" Snape spat.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, finally outsmarting Snape, "obviously, you guys are a figment of my imagination. I tried the platform and Kings Cross, I'm convinced I'm out cold! Dreaming."

At this Snape scoffed and Dumbledore hummed. Professor McGonagall sighed and addressed Dumbledore, "what does this mean?"

"I believe the only explanation for this is time travel," he concurred.

I laughed at the idea and quickly covered my mouth. Snape glared at me while Moody's eye whirled his magical sight over me.

"I- I didn't mean to laugh. I just think it's quite funny that y'all believe I'm a time traveller," I shook my head.

"Not that you are a time traveller, Miss Harring, but something has sent you to us! A possibility to know and fix something," Dumbledore exclaimed.

"But that doesn't make sense. Why would someone or something send me? And for what?" I asked. "And from the future? That's impossible!"

"I believe the universe has sent you as help. It seems as if we're in different timelines. In our timeline, here at Hogwarts, we're just going through time as it occurs; but in your timeline, this has already happened and written in a novel, I dare say! How someone created books based on our real-life events is beyond my knowledge, but what I do know is that they have sold the events as stories for muggles to read.

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