7. stop the lies

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Joe's pov

I sighed as I watched her leave the room with Harry, of course he had to show up right when I came home. I still had no idea why he even came here.

She had first lied to me about talking to him again then she hid it and eventually she told me, I didn't get mad at her even if I was upset. If she says nothing happened then I should believe her, right?

I leaned back against the couch as Taylor walked back into the living room, a small smile on her face.

She sat down next to me, completely oblivious to my mood change, nothing new really.

She leaned against me before pecking my cheek, "We'll have the rest of the day just for us." She smiled as she looked at me. I nodded, "Mm, nice."

She smiled, "Do you want to watch tv?" I nodded a slight smile on my lips. "What do you want to watch babe?" I simply shrugged. "Well that's helpful."

I laughed, "I don't know hun, whatever you want to watch. I'm fine with anything." She nodded before putting on friends, "Predictable." Taylor laughed and kissed my cheek again.

"I'm going to get something to drink, want anything teds?" I got up as I looked at her. "Some wine, please." I nodded and walked into the kitchen.

I grabbed a beer for me and some wine for Taylor. I sat down on one of the kitchen chairs, I didn't want to go back just yet. I sighed, thinking about everything that happened the past few hours.

"Mom, Joey, I'm going!" I heard Elodie call, "Bye El!" I yelled back, I heard Taylor reply with a "Bye hun, be careful."

I sighed and took a sip from my beer. A few minutes later I went back and sat down next to her. I could have expressed to her that I didn't like the fact she invited Harry in right after I got home for the first time in weeks but it would just start another fight so I kept quiet, the best option I had.

We quietly watched the episode of friends, afterwards she asked me what I wanted for dinner. I had no idea so I shrugged before telling her I didn't know and that she could decide.

"Alright, pizza it is." I chuckled and nodded, "Sure love, go ahead and order it." She smiled as she grabbed her phone. "I'm going to unpack for a little, I'll be back in a while." I kissed the top of her head as I got up and walked out.

I heard her mumble something among the lines of "oh.. okay sure." I shrugged and made my way upstairs. Once in the bedroom I started unpacking my stuff as I hummed along to some melody in my head. I just wanted some time alone if I was being honest, I was tired and annoyed.

Half an hour later Taylor came in, "Hey babe." I softly smiled at her, not sure how to respond, "Hey."

"Are you okay? You look, mad or something." I nodded, "I'm fine, thanks." She sighed, "Okay well you can tell me if you aren't." I nodded, "I know."

"Okay well, pizza will be here soon so come down in a little." "Yeah, will do love."

She smiled before walking out and going back downstairs. I sighed as I finished up unpacking. I didn't want to be annoyed, I hated being annoyed.

I put away my now empty bag before going downstairs. I walked into the living room, seeing Taylor sitting on the ground by the coffee table with a pizza box in front of her.

She looked up as I came in, "they just arrived." I nodded, "Smells good."

I walked towards her and sat down next her, crossing my legs. "Do you want a plate?" I looked at her and shook my head, "No need."

"Mm, alright." I nodded and grabbed a slice of pizza. I took a bite as I looked up at the tv, she was still watching friends. I took another bite and glanced over at her. She was nibbling on her food, she looked kind of down. Her eyes were staring up at the tv, as if it was the most important thing ever.

I looked at her for a little, "Are you okay?" She slightly jumped up at the sound of my voice before turning her attention to me, "Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine." She nodded, as if she was conniving herself.

"Mm, okay." She nodded before turning her attention back to the tv. I sighed and continued to eat more of the pizza.

After dinner I cleaned everything up as Taylor was taking a shower. I sat down on the couch when I was done, taking out my phone.

I senselessly scrolled trough instagram, there wasn't much interesting on it anyways.

After a while Taylor came back down, wearing an oversized t-shirt and some shorts, her hair was still wet from the shower, she looked cute.

"Hey." She sat down next to me, leaning her head against my chest. "Hey love." I kissed her forehead as I wrapped my arm around her.

"How are you feeling?" her voice was soft, almost a whisper. "I'm alright, what about you?" "Stop the lies." Her voice was a bit sharper than before.

I raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?" "You aren't acting alright so tell me what's wrong, please."

I sighed, "Just, I'm back for two minutes and then he has to show up. I couldn't even have five minutes with my wife." She sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry Joe. I didn't know he was coming and I didn't want to be rude. You know I didn't want to upset you, I'm sorry." I nodded, "It's okay Teds."

She sighed and kissed my cheek, "You have me now tho." I chuckled and pecked her lips, "Come on, let's go upstairs." She giddily nodded, "Okay."

I grabbed her hand and let her up the stairs, a small smile lingering on my face.

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